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Re: Proposal for BNF/EBNF markup

At 09:40 AM 3/22/00 -0500, Dave Makower wrote:
(1) It seems to me that the element names are a little cryptic, especially 
if they're going to find their way into the DocBook lexicon, appearing 
alongside other elements not related to BNF/EBNF. One of the things I like 
about DocBook is that I can usually do a quick browse of the element 
reference and find what I'm looking for by a couple of quick intuitive 
guesses.  (There are exceptions, but I guess the intention is to avoid 
making this one of them.)  What would you think about making the element 
names a little more self-explanatory, at the risk of making them too 
verbose.  For example:

>prod    --> production

I can see this, especially since it's at a kind of top level.

>lhs     --> prodleftside
>rhs     --> prodtranslation
>             (or maybe translation, translations, or translationlist)

These are traditionally called lhs and rhs in all kinds of computer science 
contexts, so I'm reluctant to expand them.  If we do, it should be 
lefthandside and righthandside.

>nt      --> nonterminal

Sure, if others agree.

>rhsline --> prodtranslationitem (or maybe translationitem)

As I just explained in another posting, I wasn't clear enough about the 
purpose of rhsline.  It has no production-specific meaning; it's just 
presentational.  So I think we should instead just use DocBook's sbr and 
get it over with. :-)

>(2) I've seen repetition expressed using * and +, and I've also seen it 
>expressed using curly brackets.  What would you think if this were 
>expressed semantically in the XML with something like either a 
><bnfrepetition> element (which begs the question, how to distinguish 
>between * and +), or perhaps a <zeroormore> and a <oneormore> 
>element.  (Note:  I'm not thrilled with my element names here; I'm more 
>interested in bringing up the idea to encourage feedback.)

Yikes...  I fear that this will tip the design over to doing actual 
modeling, which I've tried to do in the past and which rarely satisfies 
everybody.  I had this discussion with the XML specification editors, and 
we ended up agreeing that it was more trouble than it was worth, and made 
the markup really complicated.  Are there requirements here for being able 
to switch representations of the same BNF?  to query on the presence of a 
certain occurrence indicator?

If folks can send their feedback over the next couple of days, I can put 
together a revised proposal by Monday.


Eve Maler                                    +1 781 442 3190
Sun Microsystems XML Technology Center    elm @

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