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First attempt to make a driver file

Yo.  I'm a newbie at all this DocBook/Jade/SGML/DSSSL stuff.  I'm 
trying to make a driver file that will allow me to override some 
things I don't like in the .dsl files, but whenever I use my new 
driver file, jade spits a text only version to the screen instead of 
creating my HTML file.

I type:

D:\> jade -t sgml -d
  D:\ProgramFiles\Jade\DocBook\dsssl\html\docbook.dsl test.sgm

And it generates an HTML file.

Now I try it again with the following driver file I saved as test.dsl:

<!DOCTYPE style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN" [
  "D:\ProgramFiles\Jade\DocBook\dsssl\html\docbook.dsl" CDATA DSSSL> ]>
<!-- will put in style overrides here if I can get it to work -->
<external-specification id="MyDocBookID" document="MyDocBook">

And I type:

D:\> jade -t sgml -d test.dsl test.sgm

And this time I get just console output.  What the heck?  If I'm 
reading this correctly, my essentially empty driver file should just 
tell jade to read in docbook.dsl, but yet it does something different 
than if I specify docbook.dsl.

What am I missing?  How do I fix this?


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