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Re: On the size of DocBook...

Paul Grosso wrote:
At 19:01 2002 09 05 +0100, Dave Pawson wrote:
?Status quo? Seems to me that's how you operate now (TC that is)

Yes, that's what I'm suggesting.
Isn't that a little like: Let's discuss this issue by not discussing it; we'll solve it by sweeping it from under our carpet, across the room and under the user's carpet.

Facetiousness aside with apologies to Paul:
- it's highly unlikely all tools being used currently can (easily) be configured in the way you suggest (and it *is* a good idea for tools that work that way, although it raises the cost of implementing DocBook even further in any particular context.)
- this approach ignores the possibile (shall I say probable?) benefits of working through some house cleaning or reorganizing or refactoring of DocBook that might benefit everyone -- users, Technical Committee, volunteer support folks, and stylesheet developer / maintainers. Easily bolting on or unbolting componets on a per application basis is an idea that has tremendous appeal, at least to me.

On the other hand, this approach *does* circumvent the inevitable difficulties and complexities of actually deciding what to do, how and when. This is a key factor when I consider the amount of time and energy donated to the cause by the DocBook core team. It's a complex short-term-pain / long-term-gain question.

Regards. ...edN

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