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Re: Re: Request for comments: adding a Fileoutput element(RFE 613293)

At 16:35 06/12/2002 -0500, Norman Walsh wrote:

It really seems like we shouldn't need all of these: programlisting,
screen, synopsis, literallayout, and verbatim.

How does this sound:

1. Add 'verbatim'.

<!ELEMENT verbatim (...)>
<!ATTLIST verbatim
    class    (normal|monospaced) "monospaced"
    contents CDATA               #IMPLIED

Contents is where you can say it's a configfile or a cprogram or
whatever you like.

2. We consider removing 'screen', 'synopsis', and 'literallayout' in
favor of 'verbatim' at some point in the future.

We could remove programlisting too, but I'm very hesitant to do that.

I prefer verbatim to literallayout. Never used screen so I wouldn't miss it.
I differentiate programlisting, that's noticably different semantically?

regards DaveP

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