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Re: Multiple-language glossterms

Hello again.

Thanks, Norm, for the quick reply.

On Monday 17 March 2003 12:50, Norman Walsh wrote:
| Or make the links explicit:
|  <glossterm linkend="gloss-npv">Net present value ...</glossterm>
| ...
|  <glossentry id="gloss-npv">...

Point taken. That, at least, would alleviate the linking problem.

| How about:
|    <glossentry>
|      <glossterm>Net present value (German: <foreignphrase
|       lang="de">Kapitalwert</foreignphrase></glossterm>
|      <acronym lang="en">NPV</acronym>
|      <glossdef>
|        <para>
|            <!-- Elaborate description of NPV follows. -->
|        </para>
|      </glossdef>
|    </glossentry>

That's what I was referring to by "If one had to use those parentheses, it 
would be nicer to include them in the glossterm." Together with explicit 
linking as you mentioned, this might be an option.

| I no longer recall why multiple glossdefs are allowed. Probably so
| that they could be written for different audiences or security levels
| or something.

Is it so unusual to do what I'm doing (provide a multiple-language glossary 
with a single-language document)? I thought people would do this more often. 
Anyone reading this message who has tackled this issue before?

-- Florian

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