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[docbook] Re: XLink and OLink in Docbook 5

> * Norman Walsh <aqj@ajnyfu.pbz> [2005-02-18 16:16:14 -0500]:
> | So what is the recommended way to create inter-document link in Docbook 5?
> | E.g., I have a <book> and a <refentry> which link to each other.
> | I produce 2 versions of html from <book>: chunked and single file.
> | I produce 1 html version of <refentry> (but it is heavily
> | post-processed).
> What do your Olinks look like? (I assume you're using OLink now).


<olink targetdoc="man" targetptr="clisp"/>

<step><title>The actual work</title><para>Handle command line options: file
  <olink targetdoc="man" targetptr="opt-init">loading</olink> and/or
  <olink targetdoc="man" targetptr="opt-compile">compilation</olink>,
  <olink targetdoc="man" targetptr="opt-exec-expr">form evaluation</olink>,
  <olink targetdoc="man" targetptr="opt-exec-file">script execution</olink>,

  <step><simpara>Wait for a keypress if requested by
    <option><olink targetdoc="man" targetptr="opt-wait">-w</olink></option>.

 See also <olink targetdoc="man" targetptr="opt-exec-file">the manual</olink>.

man page:

     <listitem><simpara>core plus all the modules with which this
       installation was built, see
       <olink targetdoc="impnotes" targetptr="modules"/>.

   The default is the value of &package-var; when the image was
   <olink targetdoc="impnotes" targetptr="image">saved</olink>,
   normally &clu-pac;.

see clisp/doc/ directory in the CLISP CVS.


Sam Steingold ( running w2k
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