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Re: Cache and MMU support for PowerPC

> Cache support will be available soon. However, as Stuart points out,
> it requires a minimal MMU setup which is board specific; we use a
> Cogent board for development, so that is what will be supported to
> start with. Customizing the MMU setup for other boards should be
> trivial though.

  The only thing that would need to go in the board specific
  HAL would be a data structure describing the static mapping
  of Virtual to Physical Addresses and the Attributes for each
  map. The actual MMU and cache setup code can be independent.
  (Motorola's example MMU/Cache code on their web site does it this 

> The MMU setup is truly minimal, basically marking the IO memory area
> of the Cogent board as Cache Inhibited, so generic MMU support (memory
> protection, paging, etc.) is *not* supported yet.

  What about for memory that is used as buffers by the CPM. Since the
  CPM transfers data to/from I/O devices to memory but bypasses the
  you have to make sure that you don't wind up with stale data in your

  I don't know if its the best approach but we got around this by
  two Virtual->Physical mappings for main DRAM memory - one cache
  the other cache disabled. When ever we read/write CPM I/O buffers we
  use the cache inhibited virtual addresses. The nice thing about this
  that you can use malloc/free to dynamically allocate buffers for use
  the CPM.

-- Stuart