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Re: How big is ecos kernel?

>>>>> "Slawek" == Slawek Grajewski <> writes:

    Slawek> Hi, I'm looking for the information of how big (in KBs)
    Slawek> the ecos kernel is after compilation. I realize that it
    Slawek> depends on target and compilation options, but I'm still
    Slawek> interested in some numbers. Is it 256KB, more ... less?

This is a very hard question to answer, and not just because there are
dependencies on the target and on the compilation options. There is
not really any such entity as "the eCos kernel". Instead eCos involves
a number of different packages, which are combined to provide the
necessary functionality. A bare bones system consists of an
architectural HAL package containing the processor-specific code, a
platform HAL package for board-specific code, and an infrastructure
package. Depending on the target this may only involve some hundreds
of bytes, but the functionality is limited to bootstrap and then
transferring control to the application.

More likely you will want to use some additional packages and get
greater functionality. These include device drivers, the C library,
and the maths library. In addition there is a kernel package which
implements functionality usually associated with RTOS's such as
threads, mutexes, semaphores, and so on. The kernel package is not
stand-alone, it depends on functionality provided elsewhere and
especially on the HAL packages. The kernel provides its own API.
It is possible to layer a standard API on top: the current release
includes an implementation of the uITRON standard, others such as
POSIX are planned. Using one of these compatibility layers makes it
easier to port code, at the cost of increased code size.

When you build eCos you do not end up with a single kernel image.
Instead you have a library, libtarget.a, which you link with your
application code. At link-time any functionality that is not required,
directly or indirectly by your application, is eliminated. For example
if your application does not need dynamic memory allocation then the
relevant code will not get linked in to your application. Cygnus has
enhanced the GNU linker to operate at the grain of individual linkable
entities such as functions and variables, in order to eliminate

In addition eCos is a highly-configurable system, often giving you
control over what happens at a very fine grain. For example, by
default the kernel thread structure contains support for per-thread
data. If your application does not need this then you can configure
this out, saving a word of memory for each thread object.

A while back one of my colleagues did some analysis, reproduced below,
indicating that a "typical" kernel would be about 25K. This would be
for the HAL, infrastructure and kernel packages, but not the C library
or the maths library. Also the test program uses most kernel
functionality, so your application might need less kernel code. The
measurements were done for only one target.

For a more exact answer, there is no real substitute for downloading
eCos and trying it out for yourself. You can write a dummy piece of
code that just makes calls to all the kernel and other functions you
might need, link it with eCos in its default configuration and built
for the particular target you are interested in, and look at the size
of the resulting executable. Make sure that you use e.g. the
arm-elf-size command to examine the final executable rather than
the file size, because the latter contains lots of debug and other
information that is only used on the host.

Bart Veer // eCos net maintainer

Here are some sizes of system objects and executables for POWERPC.

Kernel Object Sizes

All sizes in bytes:

Thread			168	(+ its stack, of course)
Semaphore		  8
Mutex			 12
Condition variable	  8
Message box		 56	(10 item queue size @ 4bytes/item)
Flag variable		  8
Fixed memory pool	 36	(+ the memory it manages)
Variable memory pool	 44	(+ the memory it manages)
Interrupt		 28
Cyclic alarm		 40
Oneshot alarm		 40
Counter			 24	(the thing alarms hang off)
The Realtime Clock	 64	(one special counter that ticks off hardware)

Executable Sizes

A maximal kernel that supports both the uITRON and native C APIs in full
contains about 56k of code.

A complex test program that uses most features of the uITRON API, linked
with selective linking, uses a more typical kernel of about 41k.

A complex test program that uses most features of the native C APIs, linked
with selective linking, uses a more typical kernel of about 25k.

Justification follows ("show your working"):

We will look at the sizes of a couple of tests, plus the uITRON
compatibility functions.

tm_basic is a kernel native C API test that uses most kernel features:
fully linked executable:   install/tests/kernel/tm_basic
object for "app" part:	   kernel/current/tests/kernel_tm_basic.o

test7 is a uITRON testcase that uses most uITRON features:
fully linked executable:   install/tests/uitron/test7
object for "app" part:	   compat/uitron/current/tests/uitron_test7.o

uITRON functions:	   compat/uitron/current/src/uitron_uit_func.o

Selective linking
   text    data     bss  filename
  45016    4492   51216  install/tests/kernel/tm_basic
  20048      84   44672  kernel/current/tests/kernel_tm_basic.o
  48952    3428   43768  install/tests/uitron/test7
   8644     176    1000  compat/uitron/current/tests/uitron_test7.o
  15520       4       0  compat/uitron/current/src/uitron_uit_func.o

So we can infer that the size of:
    a typical kernel is			45k - 20k   = 25k.
    a typical uITRON kernel is		49k -  8.5k = 40.5k.
    the uITRON layer code is		15.5k; this tallies above.

Normal linking (only the final executables differ)
   text    data     bss  filename
  60460    4500   51216  install/tests/kernel/tm_basic
  57200    3444   43768  install/tests/uitron/test7

So we can infer that the size of:
    a kernel is			60.5k - 20k   = 40.5k.
    a uITRON kernel is		57k   -  8.5k = 48.5k.

the uITRON kernel will not use the native C API (4.5k), binary semaphores
(1k), and mutexes (2k); these add up to 7.5k, so, by adding that 7.5k to
the uITRON kernel size we get a maximal size for a kernel which supports
both uITRON *and* native C APIs:

    a maximal kernel is		48.5k + 7.5k = 56k

this tallies nicely with adding the uITRON layer to a C API supporting
kernel with all functionality included:
    a C API + uITRON kernel is	15.5k + 40.5k = 56k

So 56k is a sensible upper bound for kernel size; though very complex test
programs which use a broad spread of features in fact use a considerably
smaller subset if selective linking is enabled.

Note: the uITRON compatibility layer is comparatively large because of all
the error checking - usually of constant arguments - that is required by
the uITRON specification; if the error checking of "normally constant"
arguments is disabled by configuration (a sensible thing to do once an app
is debugged) the size of the compatibility function set is reduced to 12k.

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