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EP7212 I2S audio demo i2s_audio_fiq.S

In file:


after the new samples have been fed to the DAI FIFO's, interrupt generating status is cleared by a write of data where the bits set to one clear their respective conditions:

        ldr     r11,=I2S_STAT   // Clear status bits
//        ldr     r10,=0xFFF0F
    ldr r10,=0x0FFF
        str     r10,[r11]

The statement below loading the clearing constant is odd since the I2S_STAT register only has data in the 12 ls bits.  Also, the bits not being cleared are the FIFO ve and FIFO transmit underrun bits:

//        ldr     r10,=0xFFF0F

I was having problems with crashing when I repeated enabling the my DAC, playing audio, and disabling the DAC inside a while(1) loop.  

Modifying the statement to clear all 12 bits made the problem go away with no crashes so far in 17 hours.  I do not have access to CVS yet, so someone please implement my change.

    ldr r10,=0x0FFF


Dan Ash

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