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Bug in snmp2c in current build tree

I am not sure how many people have been messing with the MIB compiler
included in the latest build tree but I have been having some problems using
mib2c to compile the RFC-3083 (DOCSIS Baseline Privacy MIB).

My system setup is the same as described in the eCos SNMP documentation,
using Perl 5.005_03 and the SNMP-3.1.0 Perl package. I am running on a
Windows 2000 box using Cygwin 1.3.2.

The compiler would run on the MIB and generate output. What I noticed was
that the header file only contained one definition of for a table when there
are seven of them defined in the MIB. 

Now, if you haven't looked at mib2c, it is pretty darn confusing! After some
tinkering, I found a line of code that didn't quite jive with my test debug
print statements. So I made the following change:

Old Code:

#       Table-handling routines.
foreach $vtable (@table_list) {
    foreach $ptable (@processtable) {
        $variables{$ptable}{'processed'} =
            (eval "\"$variables{$ptable}{'code'}\"") . "\n\n";
    $var_routines .=
        (eval "\"$variables{'code-var_table'}{'code'}\"") . "\n\n";

New Code:

#       Table-handling routines.
foreach $vtable (@table_list) {
    foreach $ptable (@processtable) {
        $variables{$ptable}{'processed'} .=  <--- *** NEW CHANGE ***
            (eval "\"$variables{$ptable}{'code'}\"") . "\n"; <--- here too,
    $var_routines .=
        (eval "\"$variables{'code-var_table'}{'code'}\"") . "\n\n";

and voila! My header file had the proper tables entries and the
corresponding c file also had the proper functions to access the tables.

Has anyone else reported this as a problem? In discussing this with a
co-worker, we made the observation that the DOCSIS MIBs could be compliant,
but the fact that in mib2c they concatenate the one variable but not the
other proved the reason why I was only seeing the *last* table in the header


Ron Kundla          nBand Communications, Inc.
Systems Engineer       Mountain View, CA 94041           Main: 650.716.0700

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