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Redboot and Ecos build for IQ80310 eval board

Hi All,

I am using the xscale tools from the CD that came with the iq80310 eval
board. I have built the redboot using the ecosconfig tool version 1.4.13
and the  source from CVS dated 8/23/2001.

Problem 1:

I have flashed the redboot.bin file using the flash utility provided on the
CD.  After flashing the redboot.bin that I built, The iq80310 hangs with
LED's "04". In my debug I have found that the code in vectors.s module
where it copies ROM data to RAM, it overwrites the code being executed.

Problem 2:

I also build ecos build and tests for iq80310 platform using the ecosconfig
tool version 1.3.14 and the source from CVS dated 8/23/2001. I flashed the
redboot.bin from the CD that came with the iq80310 ( which works by the way
and connection is made via serial and ethernet link to GDB host ). When
downloading the ecos test; the GDB communications stops with target almost
right after ROM vectors are loaded. I noticed that when I change the memory
for target  RAM starts at 0xA0000000 instead of 0 and build both ecos and
the ecos tests; I am able to load the ecos test. When I run the test, again
the iq80310 hangs with LED's "04".

I have built redboot and ecos with and without complier option  "
-mcpu=xscale" in addtion to all the other default options for iq80310
platform. The result is still the same.

I have built a sample program and I am able to download using the GDB and
run it without any problem. Verifies that the Redboot and xscale-elf-gdb I
am using works.


1. Should the memory for RAM be  0xA0000000 when building Ecos and the
tests using the ecosconfig tool?
2. The hang at  LED's "04" same as the redboot hang with the CVS source
from 8/23/2001?
3. Is there a level of source available for redboot, ecos and Ecos tests
that works on the iq80310?

Barry Khatri

919-543-7825 fax 919-543-8221
3039 Cornwallis Road Int Zip B205/CC165
RTP, NC 27709


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