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Re: eCOS scheduler on MPC8240


Initially I had tried with the different priorities and
cyg_thread_delay(). This didnot work for me. 

I think I have not configured the value of
My board is 66MHz and I'm just having "33.330" (I have taken the
powerPC cogent code as my base) for this constant on the platform CDL
for my 
platform. Hope correcting this will solve my problem as   the constant
"CYGNUM_HAL_RTC_PERIOD" has dependency on

k Srinivas Aithal

--- Jonathan Larmour <> wrote:
> K Srinivas Aithal wrote:
> > 
> > The eCOS scheduler was working on my board after doing the
> followoing
> > 1. replacing all the calls to cyg_thread_delay() to
> cyg_thread_yield()
> You shouldn't need to do that...
> > 2. using the priorities of all  the threads equal
> .. or that.
> > 3. the scheduler used was the MLQueue scheduler
> > I will sometimes be able to ping and send SNMP queries to the
> board.
> > But sometimes nothing happens, ping response will also be slow
> > (1800ms-3000ms). This happens if do ONLY PING or ONLY SNMP (which
> > timeout). If I do both of it; things looks fine, but gradually PING
> > response increases.
> Compare your HAL with an existing HAL and check you're not doing
> something
> they don't or vice versa.
> But perhaps you haven't set CYGNUM_HAL_RTC_PERIOD correctly?
> Jifl
> -- 
> Red Hat, Rustat House, Clifton Road, Cambridge, UK. Tel: +44 (1223)
> 271062
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