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Where do I change these entry point and files generated by MAKE?

I am making redboot for PowerPC vads board.
There are some questions:

1) I need more ram usable in RedBoot, so I change CYGMEM_SECTION_heap1_SIZE in file 'packages/hal/powerpc/vads/current/include/pkgconf/mlt_powerpc_vads_romhigh.h'. But I notice that its file header says "// This is a generated file - do not edit", How do I?

2) When I link a user application, it always entry point to 0x20000, I want to change it to another value. How can I do? libtarget.ld is a choice, but it is generated file.

3) Redboot's ram entry point is 0x3000, I want to change it to a high ram. Then I can load my application to low memory. How can I change 0x3000 to 0x00a00000 or others value?

Thank you!

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