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Re: TAP device not created on running "ping_test"

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 03:02:30PM +0530, Mandeep Sandhu wrote:
> But how can we run the server and the client on the same interface?!
> (I'm referring to the test steps you mentioned towards the end...where
> both dhcp3-server and the dhclient use tap0 inetrface). I've not yet
> gone to configuring ecos for dhcp since dhcp is not working.

Mandeep, look on dhclient as on ping_test. It's useless to run eCos
network application if you will not see that dhcp server will offer IP
addresses from ... IP pool (in that example) for

I suggested:

1) run dhcp-server on tap0 (using separate terminal session) after that
when tap0 is configured and up. You will see its log messages on stderr
(-d -f options). Have you set INTERFACES variable?

2) run dhclient for tap0, again (using sepatare terminal session) again
do not forking (-d) and you should see then that dhcp server offers IP
and dhclient get it.

This is that sandbox.

> $ sudo dhclient -d tap0
> There is already a pid file /var/run/ with pid 9903

> Listening on LPF/tap0/26:5d:5f:e5:65:1e
> Sending on   LPF/tap0/26:5d:5f:e5:65:1e
> Sending on   Socket/fallback
> DHCPDISCOVER on tap0 to port 67 interval 5
> DHCPDISCOVER on tap0 to port 67 interval 7

I do not see that client got IP. May be you hit ^C too early?

try again starting  with

sudo killall dhcpd dhcpd3 dhclient dhclient3
sudo ifdown tap0
sudo ifup tap0




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