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In proceed (infrun.c), we see the code:

      /* Check breakpoint_here_p first, because breakpoint_here_p is fast
         (it just checks internal GDB data structures) and STEP_SKIPS_DELAY
         is slow (it needs to read memory from the target).  */
	  && breakpoint_here_p (read_pc () + 4)
	  && STEP_SKIPS_DELAY (read_pc ()))

and later in proceed there's the code:

	/* Did we fail to remove breakpoints?  If so, try
	   to set the PC past the bp.  (There's at least
	   one situation in which we can fail to remove
	   the bp's: On HP-UX's that use ttrace, we can't
	   change the address space of a vforking child
	   process until the child exits (well, okay, not
	   then either :-) or execs. */
	if (remove_status != 0)
	    write_pc_pid (stop_pc - DECR_PC_AFTER_BREAK + 4, ecs->pid);

Both of these are wrong -- they assume that all instructions for all
processors are 4 bytes long.  Not all processors have fixed length
instructions; and not all processors with fixed length instructions
fix the length at 4 bytes.

I propose the addition of a new function field to gdbarch / new macro:

    addr_next_inst / ADDR_NEXT_INST (pc)

which given the address of an instruction (pc), returns the address of
the next instruction (pc + 4 in the above).

There would then be a default "address of next instruction" function
for those architectures that don't supply one that simply returns its
argument plus 4.

For the non multi-arch case, we would have:

    #if !defined(ADDR_NEXT_INST)
    #define ADDR_NEXT_INST(pc)	((pc) + 4)

Then the two sections of code above would become:

	  && breakpoint_here_p (ADDR_NEXT_INST (read_pc ()))
	  && STEP_SKIPS_DELAY (read_pc ()))


	if (remove_status != 0)
	    write_pc_pid (ADDR_NEXT_INST (stop_pc - DECR_PC_AFTER_BREAK),


I don't think that the processor I'm currently working on is bothered
by either chunk of code, but as I was stepping through some code and
saw the above it bothered me (partly because the processor has 2 byte

If I hear no objections to the change, I'll generate an actual patch
and post it here.


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