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Message Nav: [Date Prev] [Date Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] -- sh vs bash used to have the line:

    #!/usr/local/bin/bash -u

but it was recently changed to:

    #!/bin/sh -u

Unfortunately, sh doesn't currently work for this script.

Using /bin/sh (on Solaris 7 anyway), does not produce any errors but
generates a gdbarch.h which is significantly different than that
produced by bash -- in particular, if you make no changes to the
script and regenerate the gdbarch.? files, the sh generated copy of
gdbarch.h (possibly gdbarch.c as well -- I didn't check) has code

    /* Number of bits in a float for the target machine. */

    extern float_bit gdbarch_8 * sizeof (float) (struct gdbarch *gdbarch);
    extern void set_gdbarch_8 * sizeof (float) (struct gdbarch *gdbarch, float_bit 8 * sizeof (float));
    #if (GDB_MULTI_ARCH > GDB_MULTI_ARCH_PARTIAL) || !defined (int)
    #define int (gdbarch_8 * sizeof (float) (current_gdbarch))

which results in most of gdb not compiling...

So, either bash needs to be used to regenerate the files or the
differences between bash and sh need to be investigated...

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