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Re: [PATCH RFC] Make lin-lwp.c functions use target vectors

   Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 21:27:18 -0400 (EDT)
   From: "John S. Kallal" <>

Hi John,

As you've noticed, the code in lin-lwp.c does some very low-level
things.  In fact it is so closely tied to the "child_ops" layer, that
I don't feel comfortable applying your patch, even though in the long
run a patch similar to yours may be the way to go.  I think it is
essential to envision how gdb and gdbserver should interact when
debugging multi-threaded code first, before starting to do any
coding.  I'm not terribly well familiar with the GDB remote protocol,
but I do think that changes to the remote protocol and/or gdbserver
are necessary (probably both).  Unfortunately I won't have time in the
near future to work on this myself.  Volunteers to work on this stuff
are welcome!

That said, there are two obstacles when contributing code to GDB.  The
first is a copyright assignment: copyrights for any significant
changes need to be assigned to the FSF before we can include them in
the GDB sources.  This can take a bit of time, so if you're serious in
contributing to GDB, make sure the paperwork gets done.

The second point is that code has to conform to the GNU/GDB coding
standards.  Your code currently doesn't, so I'd suggest you look at
the GNU coding standards and the suggestions on the GDB web pages.



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