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Re: [rfa/ppc/branch too] Fix PowerPC/Linux cores

>> Before you commit anything along these lines (or along the lines of
>> the patch that you submitted), do check with Andrew first.  I'm not
>> the core-regset.c maintainer and Andrew may want to see all patches
>> that go in on the release branch go in on the trunk as well...
> OK.  In that case, I think the right thing to do would be:
>   - remove the #ifdefs
>   - change to the gdb_*regset_t functions
> On both branch and trunk.  I thought more platforms had custom
> GDB_GREGSET_T definitions, but I guess not.
> It's closer to overall right, and it will still go away in a reasonable
> amount of time.  I'd rather not diverge the branch and truck if I don't
> have to.
> Andrew, how's that sound?

Well, the one thing I don't want is hacks pulled on the branch that 
aren't matched in the trunk - people will assume bugs are fixed when 
they are not.  Pulling the same tweek on both is ok.

Beyond that it is between you and Kevin.


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