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Re: New gdb 31 & 64 bit patches for S/390

> Hi Andrew,
> I basically took this stuff from other architectures on gdb-5.0, I presume
> they knew what they were doing &
> something subtle would break if I didn't do it, I'm using the same source
> base for the latest stuff & gdb-5.0
> as much as possible to avoid maintaining 2 different incomatible source
> bases.

Ah, it is actually much simpler - many of the existing NM and XM files 
are wrong.  Their problems, I suspect, date back to when there weren't 
NM/XM files and when the need to do the two correctly was less 
important.  From there, as with many parts of gdb, the problem just spread.

Anyway, people have been activly cleaning up the problem.

> So some definitions specific to gdb-5.0 ( which isn't multiarch capible )
> will stay in /config/s390 header files
> until gdb-5.1 or whatever is officially released.

Please dont. The GDB trunk shouldn't be used as a holding area for code 
only used on old branches.  That is what old branches are for.


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