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Re: [rfa:testsuite} Overhaul sizeof.exp said:
> It sounds like we understand the alternatives and everyone's got
> opinions about them.

>   [0] Status quo
>   [1] FAIL the test
>   [2] XFAIL the test
>   [3] KFAIL the test 

Well, speaking personally, I don't particularly like XFAIL because it 
hides failures from me.  Since I rarely see a run with zero FAILs the only 
thing that is interesting is a diff between this and a previous run, to 
tell me if an existing test has started failing, or whether a new test has 
been added.

About the only reasonable use of XFAIL that I can think of is when we fail 
because there was a bug in an external tool (such as the compiler) which 
means we are unable to successfully run the test (but haven't failed so 
badly as to get an UNRESOLVED -- we know the outcome we know its wrong, 
but we know its because of an external problem).  Everything else should 
be a FAIL, because its our fault and we *should* fix it.


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