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Re: [RFA] remote debugging patches

Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
> Michal, are you OK with just the IP address?

Sure I am :-) Patch follows... Is it OK?

Index: ChangeLog
	* remote-utils.c (remote_open): Print remote-side's
	IP address when remote debugging over the network.

Index: remote-utils.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/src/gdb/gdbserver/remote-utils.c,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -c -3 -p -r1.8 remote-utils.c
*** remote-utils.c      2002/02/14 06:21:22     1.8
--- remote-utils.c      2002/03/13 14:11:16
*************** static int remote_desc;
*** 47,53 ****
   remote_open (char *name)
!   int save_fcntl_flags;

     if (!strchr (name, ':'))
--- 47,56 ----
   remote_open (char *name)
!   int save_fcntl_flags, via_network=0;;
!   char namebuf[100];
!   snprintf(namebuf, 100, "%s", name);

     if (!strchr (name, ':'))
*************** remote_open (char *name)
*** 154,159 ****
--- 157,166 ----

         signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);      /* If we don't do this, then 
gdbserver simply
                                            exits when the remote side 
dies.  */
+       /* Convert IP address to string.  */
+       snprintf (namebuf, 100, "%s", inet_ntoa (sockaddr.sin_addr.s_addr));
+       via_network = 1;

   #if defined(F_SETFL) && defined (FASYNC)
*************** remote_open (char *name)
*** 164,170 ****
     disable_async_io ();
!   fprintf (stderr, "Remote debugging using %s\n", name);

--- 171,179 ----
     disable_async_io ();
!   fprintf (stderr, "Remote debugging %s %s\n",
!     via_network ? "from host" : "using", namebuf);


Michal Ludvig
* SuSE CR, s.r.o     *
* +420 2 9654 5373   *

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