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Re: [patch/rfc] Rewrite "structs" testcase

Ah, this version is much beter.

The results are:

                        PASS  FAIL
  gcc 2.95.3 -gdwarf-2  290   3
  gcc 2.95.3 -gstabs+   290   3
  gcc 3.3.2  -gdwarf-2  290   3
  gcc 3.3.2  -gstabs+   290   3

The three FAIL results are:

  p/c fun1()^M
  $1 = {a = 0x08044004c400000000000000}^M
  (gdb) FAIL: gdb.base/structs.exp: p/c fun1() for call-tld 1

  p/c L1^M
  $3 = {a = 0x00004004c400000000000000}^M
  (gdb) FAIL: gdb.base/structs.exp: p/c L1 for call-tld 1

  p/c L1^M
  $1 = {a = 0 '\0'}^M
  (gdb) FAIL: gdb.base/structs.exp: p/c L1 for return-tc

All the test names are unique.

Here's today's version (...). The big change is that I've managed to reduce the number of different programs being built - each variant is now only built/run once - should help with remote testing.

As for how xfail/kfail are specified, it isn't pretty but it appears to work :-( See if I can think of a simplification.


/* This testcase is part of GDB, the GNU debugger.

   Copyright 1996, 1999, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

   Please email any bugs, comments, and/or additions to this file to:  */

/* Useful abreviations.  */
typedef void t;
typedef char tc;
typedef short ts;
typedef int ti;
typedef long tl;
typedef long long tll;
typedef float tf;
typedef double td;
typedef long double tld;

/* Force the type of each field.  */
#ifndef tA
typedef t tA;
#ifndef tB
typedef tA tB;
#ifndef tC
typedef tB tC;
#ifndef tD
typedef tC tD;
#ifndef tE
typedef tD tE;
#ifndef tF
typedef tE tF;
#ifndef tG
typedef tF tG;
#ifndef tH
typedef tG tH;
#ifndef tI
typedef tH tI;
#ifndef tJ
typedef tI tJ;
#ifndef tK
typedef tJ tK;
#ifndef tL
typedef tK tL;
#ifndef tM
typedef tL tM;
#ifndef tN
typedef tM tN;
#ifndef tO
typedef tN tO;
#ifndef tP
typedef tO tP;
#ifndef tQ
typedef tP tQ;
#ifndef tR
typedef tQ tR;

struct  struct1 {tA a;};
struct  struct2 {tA a; tB b;};
struct  struct3 {tA a; tB b; tC c; };
struct  struct4 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD d; };
struct  struct5 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD d; tE e; };
struct  struct6 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD d; tE e; tF f; };
struct  struct7 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD d; tE e; tF f; tG g; };
struct  struct8 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD d; tE e; tF f; tG g; tH h; };
struct  struct9 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD d; tE e; tF f; tG g; tH h; tI i; };
struct struct10 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD d; tE e; tF f; tG g; tH h; tI i; tJ j; };
struct struct11 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD d; tE e; tF f; tG g; tH h; tI i; tJ j; tK k; };
struct struct12 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD d; tE e; tF f; tG g; tH h; tI i; tJ j; tK k; tL l; };
struct struct13 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD d; tE e; tF f; tG g; tH h; tI i; tJ j; tK k; tL l; tM m; };
struct struct14 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD d; tE e; tF f; tG g; tH h; tI i; tJ j; tK k; tL l; tM m; tN n; };
struct struct15 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD d; tE e; tF f; tG g; tH h; tI i; tJ j; tK k; tL l; tM m; tN n; tO o; };
struct struct16 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD d; tE e; tF f; tG g; tH h; tI i; tJ j; tK k; tL l; tM m; tN n; tO o; tP p; };
struct struct17 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD d; tE e; tF f; tG g; tH h; tI i; tJ j; tK k; tL l; tM m; tN n; tO o; tP p; tQ q; };
struct struct18 {tA a; tB b; tC c; tD d; tE e; tF f; tG g; tH h; tI i; tJ j; tK k; tL l; tM m; tN n; tO o; tP p; tQ q; tR r; };

struct  struct1  foo1 = {'1'}, L1;
struct  struct2  foo2 = {'a','2'}, L2;
struct  struct3  foo3 = {'1','b','3'}, L3;
struct  struct4  foo4 = {'a','2','c','4'}, L4;
struct  struct5  foo5 = {'1','b','3','d','5'}, L5;
struct  struct6  foo6 = {'a','2','c','4','e','6'}, L6;
struct  struct7  foo7 = {'1','b','3','d','5','f','7'}, L7;
struct  struct8  foo8 = {'a','2','c','4','e','6','g','8'}, L8;
struct  struct9  foo9 = {'1','b','3','d','5','f','7','h','9'}, L9;
struct struct10 foo10 = {'a','2','c','4','e','6','g','8','i','A'}, L10;
struct struct11 foo11 = {'1','b','3','d','5','f','7','h','9','j','B'}, L11;
struct struct12 foo12 = {'a','2','c','4','e','6','g','8','i','A','k','C'}, L12;
struct struct13 foo13 = {'1','b','3','d','5','f','7','h','9','j','B','l','D'}, L13;
struct struct14 foo14 = {'a','2','c','4','e','6','g','8','i','A','k','C','m','E'}, L14;
struct struct15 foo15 = {'1','b','3','d','5','f','7','h','9','j','B','l','D','n','F'}, L15;
struct struct16 foo16 = {'a','2','c','4','e','6','g','8','i','A','k','C','m','E','o','G'}, L16;
struct struct17 foo17 = {'1','b','3','d','5','f','7','h','9','j','B','l','D','n','F','p','H'}, L17;
struct struct18 foo18 = {'a','2','c','4','e','6','g','8','i','A','k','C','m','E','o','G','q','I'}, L18;

struct struct1  fun1()
  return foo1;  
struct struct2  fun2()
  return foo2;
struct struct3  fun3()
  return foo3;
struct struct4  fun4()
  return foo4;
struct struct5  fun5()
  return foo5;
struct struct6  fun6()
  return foo6;
struct struct7  fun7()
  return foo7;
struct struct8  fun8()
  return foo8;
struct struct9  fun9()
  return foo9;
struct struct10 fun10()
  return foo10; 
struct struct11 fun11()
  return foo11; 
struct struct12 fun12()
  return foo12; 
struct struct13 fun13()
  return foo13; 
struct struct14 fun14()
  return foo14; 
struct struct15 fun15()
  return foo15; 
struct struct16 fun16()
  return foo16; 
struct struct17 fun17()
  return foo17; 
struct struct18 fun18()
  return foo18; 

void Fun1(struct struct1 foo1)
void Fun1(foo1)
     struct struct1 foo1;
  L1 = foo1;
void Fun2(struct struct2 foo2)
void Fun2(foo2)
     struct struct2 foo2;
  L2 = foo2;
void Fun3(struct struct3 foo3)
void Fun3(foo3)
     struct struct3 foo3;
  L3 = foo3;
void Fun4(struct struct4 foo4)
void Fun4(foo4)
     struct struct4 foo4;
  L4 = foo4;
void Fun5(struct struct5 foo5)
void Fun5(foo5)
     struct struct5 foo5;
  L5 = foo5;
void Fun6(struct struct6 foo6)
void Fun6(foo6)
     struct struct6 foo6;
  L6 = foo6;
void Fun7(struct struct7 foo7)
void Fun7(foo7)
     struct struct7 foo7;
  L7 = foo7;
void Fun8(struct struct8 foo8)
void Fun8(foo8)
     struct struct8 foo8;
  L8 = foo8;
void Fun9(struct struct9 foo9)
void Fun9(foo9)
     struct struct9 foo9;
  L9 = foo9;
void Fun10(struct struct10 foo10)
void Fun10(foo10)
     struct struct10 foo10;
  L10 = foo10; 
void Fun11(struct struct11 foo11)
void Fun11(foo11)
     struct struct11 foo11;
  L11 = foo11; 
void Fun12(struct struct12 foo12)
void Fun12(foo12)
     struct struct12 foo12;
  L12 = foo12; 
void Fun13(struct struct13 foo13)
void Fun13(foo13)
     struct struct13 foo13;
  L13 = foo13; 
void Fun14(struct struct14 foo14)
void Fun14(foo14)
     struct struct14 foo14;
  L14 = foo14; 
void Fun15(struct struct15 foo15)
void Fun15(foo15)
     struct struct15 foo15;
  L15 = foo15; 
void Fun16(struct struct16 foo16)
void Fun16(foo16)
     struct struct16 foo16;
  L16 = foo16; 
void Fun17(struct struct17 foo17)
void Fun17(foo17)
     struct struct17 foo17;
  L17 = foo17; 
void Fun18(struct struct18 foo18)
void Fun18(foo18)
     struct struct18 foo18;
  L18 = foo18; 

zed ()

  L1.a = L2.a = L3.a = L4.a = L5.a = L6.a = L7.a = L8.a = L9.a = L10.a = L11.a = L12.a = L13.a = L14.a = L15.a = L16.a = L17.a = L18.a = 'Z';

  L2.b = L3.b = L4.b = L5.b = L6.b = L7.b = L8.b = L9.b = L10.b = L11.b = L12.b = L13.b = L14.b = L15.b = L16.b = L17.b = L18.b = 'Z';

  L3.c = L4.c = L5.c = L6.c = L7.c = L8.c = L9.c = L10.c = L11.c = L12.c = L13.c = L14.c = L15.c = L16.c = L17.c = L18.c = 'Z';

  L4.d = L5.d = L6.d = L7.d = L8.d = L9.d = L10.d = L11.d = L12.d = L13.d = L14.d = L15.d = L16.d = L17.d = L18.d = 'Z';

  L5.e = L6.e = L7.e = L8.e = L9.e = L10.e = L11.e = L12.e = L13.e = L14.e = L15.e = L16.e = L17.e = L18.e = 'Z';

  L6.f = L7.f = L8.f = L9.f = L10.f = L11.f = L12.f = L13.f = L14.f = L15.f = L16.f = L17.f = L18.f = 'Z';

  L7.g = L8.g = L9.g = L10.g = L11.g = L12.g = L13.g = L14.g = L15.g = L16.g = L17.g = L18.g = 'Z';

  L8.h = L9.h = L10.h = L11.h = L12.h = L13.h = L14.h = L15.h = L16.h = L17.h = L18.h = 'Z';

  L9.i = L10.i = L11.i = L12.i = L13.i = L14.i = L15.i = L16.i = L17.i = L18.i = 'Z';

  L10.j = L11.j = L12.j = L13.j = L14.j = L15.j = L16.j = L17.j = L18.j = 'Z';

  L11.k = L12.k = L13.k = L14.k = L15.k = L16.k = L17.k = L18.k = 'Z';

  L12.l = L13.l = L14.l = L15.l = L16.l = L17.l = L18.l = 'Z';

  L13.m = L14.m = L15.m = L16.m = L17.m = L18.m = 'Z';

  L14.n = L15.n = L16.n = L17.n = L18.n = 'Z';

  L15.o = L16.o = L17.o = L18.o = 'Z';

  L16.p = L17.p = L18.p = 'Z';

  L17.q = L18.q = 'Z';

  L18.r = 'Z';

int main()
#ifdef usestubs

  /* TEST C FUNCTIONS # 1 */
  L1  = fun1();	
  L2  = fun2();	
  L3  = fun3();	
  L4  = fun4();	
  L5  = fun5();	
  L6  = fun6();	
  L7  = fun7();	
  L8  = fun8();	
  L9  = fun9();	
  L10 = fun10();
  L11 = fun11();
  L12 = fun12();
  L13 = fun13();
  L14 = fun14();
  L15 = fun15();
  L16 = fun16();
  L17 = fun17();
  L18 = fun18();

  /* TEST C FUNCTIONS # 2 */
  L1  = fun1();	
  L2  = fun2();	
  L3  = fun3();	
  L4  = fun4();	
  L5  = fun5();	
  L6  = fun6();	
  L7  = fun7();	
  L8  = fun8();	
  L9  = fun9();	
  L10 = fun10();
  L11 = fun11();
  L12 = fun12();
  L13 = fun13();
  L14 = fun14();
  L15 = fun15();
  L16 = fun16();
  L17 = fun17();
  L18 = fun18();


  return 0;
# This testcase is part of GDB, the GNU debugger.

# Copyright 1996, 1997, 1999, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  

# Please email any bugs, comments, and/or additions to this file to:

if $tracelevel then {
	strace $tracelevel

set prms_id 0
set bug_id 0

# Some targets can't call functions, so don't even bother with this
# test.

if [target_info exists gdb,cannot_call_functions] {
    setup_xfail "*-*-*" 2416
    fail "This target can not call functions"

set testfile "structs"
set srcfile ${testfile}.c
set binfile ${objdir}/${subdir}/${testfile}

# Create and source the file that provides information about the
# compiler used to compile the test case.

if [get_compiler_info ${binfile}] {
    return -1;

# Compile a variant of structs.c with TYPES specifying the type of
# each of the first [llength $types] elements of all structures.

proc start_structs_test { types } {
    global testfile
    global srcfile
    global binfile
    global objdir
    global subdir
    global srcdir

    # Create the additional flags
    set flags "debug"
    set name ""
    set n 0
    for {set n 0} {$n<[llength ${types}]} {incr n} {
	set m [I2A ${n}]
	set t [lindex ${types} $n]
	lappend flags "additional_flags=-Dt${m}=${t}"
	append name "-" "$t"

    set binfile ${objdir}/${subdir}/${testfile}${name}
    if  { [gdb_compile "${srcdir}/${subdir}/${srcfile}" "${binfile}" executable "${flags}"] != "" } {
	# built the second test case since we can't use prototypes
	warning "Prototypes not supported, rebuilding with -DNO_PROTOTYPES"
	if  { [gdb_compile "${srcdir}/${subdir}/${srcfile}" "${binfile}" executable "${flags} additional_flags=-DNO_PROTOTYPES"] != "" } {
	    gdb_suppress_entire_file "Testcase compile failed, so all tests in this file will automatically fail."

    # Start with a fresh gdb.
    gdb_reinitialize_dir $srcdir/$subdir
    gdb_load ${binfile}

    # Make certain that the output is consistent
    gdb_test "set print sevenbit-strings" "" "set print sevenbit-strings - ${types}"
    gdb_test "set print address off" ""      "set print address off - ${types}"
    gdb_test "set width 0" ""                "set width 0 - ${types}"

    # Advance to main
    if { ![runto_main] } then {

    # check that at the struct containing all the relevant types is correct
    set foo_t "type = struct struct[llength ${types}] {"
    for {set n 0} {$n<[llength ${types}]} {incr n} {
	append foo_t {[\r\n ]+} [lindex ${types} $n] " " [i2a $n] ";"
    append foo_t {[\r\n ]+} "}"
    gdb_test "ptype foo[llength ${types}]" "${foo_t}" "${foo_t} - ${types}"

# The expected value for funN, LN and fooN.  First element is empty to
# make indexing easier.

proc foo { n } {
    return [lindex {
	"{a = 49 '1'}"
	"{a = 97 'a', b = 50 '2'}"
	"{a = 49 '1', b = 98 'b', c = 51 '3'}"
	"{a = 97 'a', b = 50 '2', c = 99 'c', d = 52 '4'}"
	"{a = 49 '1', b = 98 'b', c = 51 '3', d = 100 'd', e = 53 '5'}"
	"{a = 97 'a', b = 50 '2', c = 99 'c', d = 52 '4', e = 101 'e', f = 54 '6'}"
	"{a = 49 '1', b = 98 'b', c = 51 '3', d = 100 'd', e = 53 '5', f = 102 'f', g = 55 '7'}"
	"{a = 97 'a', b = 50 '2', c = 99 'c', d = 52 '4', e = 101 'e', f = 54 '6', g = 103 'g', h = 56 '8'}"
	"{a = 49 '1', b = 98 'b', c = 51 '3', d = 100 'd', e = 53 '5', f = 102 'f', g = 55 '7', h = 104 'h', i = 57 '9'}"
	"{a = 97 'a', b = 50 '2', c = 99 'c', d = 52 '4', e = 101 'e', f = 54 '6', g = 103 'g', h = 56 '8', i = 105 'i', j = 65 'A'}"
	"{a = 49 '1', b = 98 'b', c = 51 '3', d = 100 'd', e = 53 '5', f = 102 'f', g = 55 '7', h = 104 'h', i = 57 '9', j = 106 'j', k = 66 'B'}"
	"{a = 97 'a', b = 50 '2', c = 99 'c', d = 52 '4', e = 101 'e', f = 54 '6', g = 103 'g', h = 56 '8', i = 105 'i', j = 65 'A', k = 107 'k', l = 67 'C'}"
	"{a = 49 '1', b = 98 'b', c = 51 '3', d = 100 'd', e = 53 '5', f = 102 'f', g = 55 '7', h = 104 'h', i = 57 '9', j = 106 'j', k = 66 'B', l = 108 'l', m = 68 'D'}"
	"{a = 97 'a', b = 50 '2', c = 99 'c', d = 52 '4', e = 101 'e', f = 54 '6', g = 103 'g', h = 56 '8', i = 105 'i', j = 65 'A', k = 107 'k', l = 67 'C', m = 109 'm', n = 69 'E'}"
	"{a = 49 '1', b = 98 'b', c = 51 '3', d = 100 'd', e = 53 '5', f = 102 'f', g = 55 '7', h = 104 'h', i = 57 '9', j = 106 'j', k = 66 'B', l = 108 'l', m = 68 'D', n = 110 'n', o = 70 'F'}"
	"{a = 97 'a', b = 50 '2', c = 99 'c', d = 52 '4', e = 101 'e', f = 54 '6', g = 103 'g', h = 56 '8', i = 105 'i', j = 65 'A', k = 107 'k', l = 67 'C', m = 109 'm', n = 69 'E', o = 111 'o', p = 71 'G'}"
	"{a = 49 '1', b = 98 'b', c = 51 '3', d = 100 'd', e = 53 '5', f = 102 'f', g = 55 '7', h = 104 'h', i = 57 '9', j = 106 'j', k = 66 'B', l = 108 'l', m = 68 'D', n = 110 'n', o = 70 'F', p = 112 'p', q = 72 'H'}"
    } $n]

proc i2a { n } {
    return [string range "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" $n $n]

proc I2A { n } {
    return [string toupper [i2a $n]]

# Mark the listed tuples as known failures.  It expects strings of the
# form <tuple>[/[xk]fail].

proc setup_fails { fails bug } {
    foreach f $fails {
	set tuple [split $f /]
	switch [lindex $tuple 1] {
	    kfail { setup_kfail [lindex $tuple 0] $bug }
	    xfail { setup_xfail [lindex $tuple 0] $bug }
	    default { setup_kfail [lindex $tuple 0] $bug }

# Check that GDB can always extract a struct-return value from an
# inferior function call.  Since GDB always knows the location of an
# inferior function call's return value these should never fail

# Implemented by calling the parameterless function "fun$N" and then
# examining the return value printed by GDB.

proc call_struct_func { types n fails } {
    global gdb_prompt
    set test "call fun${n} - ${types}"
    set result [foo ${n}]

    # Call fun${n}, checking the printed return value.
    send_gdb "p/c fun${n}()\n"
    gdb_expect {
        -re "$result\[\r\n\]+$gdb_prompt $" {
            pass "${test}"
        -re "$gdb_prompt $" {
	    # "Return value of a struct return function lost"
	    setup_fails $fails gdb/1443
            fail "${test}"
        timeout {
            fail "${test} (timeout)"

# Check that GDB can always pass a structure to an inferior function.
# This test can never fail.

# Implemented by calling the one parameter function "Fun$N" which
# stores its parameter in the global variable "L$N".  GDB then
# examining that global to confirm that the value is as expected.

proc pass_struct_func { types n fails } {
    set test "pass foo${n} - ${types}"

    gdb_test "call Fun${n}(foo${n})" "" "call Fun${n}(foo${n}); ${test}"
    # "Return value of a struct return function lost"
    setup_fails $fails gdb/1443
    gdb_test "p/c L${n}" [foo ${n}] "p/c L${n}; ${test}"

# Check that GDB can correctly force the return of a function that has
# a struct result.  Dependant on the ABI, it may, or may not be
# possible to make this work.

# The relevant code looks like "L{n} = fun{n}()".  The test forces
# "fun{n}" to "return" with an explicit value.  Since that code
# snippet will store the the returned value in "L{n}", its possible to
# confirm that things work by examining "L{n}".

proc return_struct_func { types n fails } {
    global gdb_prompt
    set test "return in fun${n} - ${types}"
    # Get into a call of fun${n}
    gdb_test "advance fun${n}" \
	    "fun${n} .*\[\r\n\]+\[0-9\].*return foo${n}.*" \
	    "advance fun${n}; ${test}"

    # Now force a return.  Be careful to only produce one PASS/FAIL.
    send_gdb "return foo${n}\n"
    gdb_expect {
	-re  "Make fun${n} return now.*y or n. $" {
	    send_gdb "y\n"
	    gdb_expect {
		-re "L${n} *= fun${n}.*${gdb_prompt} $" {
		    # Need to step off the function call
		    gdb_test "next" "L.* *= fun.*" "${test}"
		-re "${gdb_prompt} $" {
		    pass "${test}"
		timeout {
		    fail "${test} (timeout)"

    # Finally check that the value returned ended up in "L${n}".
    setup_fails ${fails} gdb/1444
    gdb_test "p/c L${n}" " = [foo ${n}]" "${test}"

# Check that GDB can always finish a struct-return function.
# Dependant on the ABI GDB may or may not be able to find the value
# returned by that function.

# The relevant code snippet is "L{n} = fun{n}()".  The program is
# allowed to get into a call to "fun{n}" and that function is then
# finished.  The returned value that GDB prints is then checked.

proc finish_struct_func { types n fails } {
    set test "finish in fun${n} - ${types}"

    # Get into "fun${n}()".
    gdb_test "advance fun${n}" \
	    "fun${n} .*\[\r\n\]+\[0-9\].*return foo${n}.*" \
	    "advance fun${n}; ${test}"

    # Finish that function, this puts the return value in a
    # convenience variable.
    gdb_test "finish" "" "finish; ${test}"

    # Finally, print the convenience variable in a consistent way.
    # "$" is the most recent history variable.
    setup_fails ${fails} gdb/1444
    gdb_test {print/c $} [foo ${n}] "${test}"

# Test GDB's struct-return code.

# TYPES lists the type of the first N elements of each struct variant
# that is to be tested.  TYPES also determines the number of elements
# in the first struct variant that will be tested.

# Structures with an increasing number of elements (the number of
# variants determined by CALLS (inferior function calls) and RETURNS
# (return command, finish command) are then tested.

proc test_structs { types calls returns } {

    # Now compile, start and run-to-main the program.
    start_structs_test ${types}

    # Check that GDB can call a function that returns a structure.
    for {set n 0} {$n<[llength $calls]} {incr n} {
	set fails [lindex $calls $n]
	set elements [expr [llength $types] + $n]
	call_struct_func ${types} $elements ${fails}
	pass_struct_func ${types} $elements ${fails}

    # Check that GDB can correctly find a struct return value when a
    # function either finishes, or is explicitly returned.  Due to ABI
    # restrictions, it isn't always possible to exercise this test.

    # The above will have modified the L* globals, get
    # around this by calling zed which "Z" everything.
    gdb_test "call zed()" "" "zed return - ${types}"
    gdb_test "p/c L1" " = {a = 90 'Z'}" "zed return ok - ${types}"

    # Check that GDB can return a struct func
    for {set n 0} {$n<[llength $returns]} {incr n} {
	return_struct_func ${types} [expr [llength $types] + $n] [lindex $returns $n]

    # The above will have modified the L* globals, get
    # around this by calling zed which "Z" everything.
    gdb_test "call zed()" "" "zed finish - ${types}"
    gdb_test "p/c L1" " = {a = 90 'Z'}" "zed finish ok - ${types}"

    # Check as many functions as possible
    for {set n 0} {$n<[llength $returns]} {incr n} {
	finish_struct_func ${types} [expr [llength $types] + $n] [lindex $returns $n]


# ABIs pass anything >8 or >16 bytes in memory but below that things
# randomly use register and/and structure conventions.  Check all
# possible sized char structs in that range.  But only a restricted
# range of the other types.

# On NetBSD, "unnatural" sized structs get returned in memory.

test_structs { tc } \
	{ {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} } \
	{ {} {} { powerpc-*-netbsd*/xfail } {} { powerpc-*-netbsd*/xfail } { powerpc-*-netbsd*/xfail } { powerpc-*-netbsd*/xfail } {} }

test_structs { ts } \
	{ {} {} {} {} {} } \
	{ {} {} { powerpc-*-netbsd*/xfail } {} }
test_structs { ti } \
	{ {} {} {} } \
	{ {} {} }
test_structs { tl } \
	{ {} {} {} } \
	{ {} {} }
test_structs { tll } \
	{ {} {} } \
	{ {} }
test_structs { tf } \
	{ {} {} {} } \
	{ {} {} }
test_structs { td } \
	{ {} {} } \
	{ {} }
test_structs { tld } \
	{ {} } \
	{ {} }

test_structs { ts tc } \
	{ {} {} {} {} {} {} {} } \
	{ {} }
test_structs { ti tc } \
	{ {} {} {} {} {} } \
	{ {} }
test_structs { tl tc } \
	{ {} {} {} {} {} } \
	{ {} }
test_structs { tll tc } \
	{ {} } \
	{ }
test_structs { tf tc } \
	{ {} {} {} {} {} } \
	{ {} }
test_structs { td tc } \
	{ {} } \
	{ }
test_structs { tld tc } \
	{ {} } \
	{ }

test_structs { tc ts } \
	{ {} {} {} {} {} } \
	{ {} }
test_structs { tc ti } \
	{ {} {} {} } \
	{ {} }
test_structs { tc tl } \
	{ {} {} {} } \
	{ {} }
test_structs { tc tll } \
	{ {} } \
	{ }
test_structs { tc tf } \
	{ {} {} {} } \
	{ {} }
test_structs { tc td } \
	{ {} } \
	{ }
test_structs { tc tld } \
	{ {} } \
	{ }

return 0

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