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Re: Problems with dejagnu and c++ tests...

Well, you could just add "return 1" to skip_cplus_tests on that system.

But in the long run, get_compiler_info needs to be smarter.
(Really, default_target_compile needs to have a better interface,
but we can't touch that).

Perhaps we should just kill get_compiler_info and add some more
code to initialization.  Have it compile and run two test programs,
one in C, and one in C++.  Like this:

  #include <stdio.h>
  int main ()
  #if defined(__GNUC__)
    printf ("set compiler_info gcc-%d-%d\n", __GNUC__, __GNUC__MINOR__);
    printf ("set gcc_compiled %d\n", __GNUC__);
    printf ("set gcc_compiled 0\n")

(aren't we trying to delete gcc_compiled? :-)

just save the results and have get_compiler_info set the right
results for the language specified.

Something based on CPP would be more robust, and avoid assumptions such as the target has output and can correctly compile / execute code. Consider what happens when trying to bring up a new GDB+GCC+....


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