.file "comp_bug.adb" .section .debug_abbrev,"",@progbits .Ldebug_abbrev0: .section .debug_info,"",@progbits .Ldebug_info0: .section .debug_line,"",@progbits .Ldebug_line0: .text .Ltext0: .file 1 "/takamaka.a/gnatmail/gcc-41/gnat-6.2.0w-2008-04-20/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.1.3/adainclude/system.ads" .section .rodata .LC0: .string "comp_bug.adb" .zero 1 .text .align 2 .globl _ada_comp_bug .type _ada_comp_bug, @function _ada_comp_bug: .LFB3: # comp_bug.adb:1 .file 2 "comp_bug.adb" .loc 2 1 0 # basic block 0 pushl %ebp .LCFI0: movl %esp, %ebp .LCFI1: subl $40, %esp .LCFI2: .LBB2: # comp_bug.adb:14 .loc 2 14 0 movl $0, 4(%esp) leal -2(%ebp), %eax movl %eax, (%esp) movl %ebp, %ecx call comp_bug__number_tIP.1398 # comp_bug.adb:21 .loc 2 21 0 movzbl -2(%ebp), %eax orb $1, %al movb %al, -2(%ebp) movb $10, -1(%ebp) # comp_bug.adb:22 .loc 2 22 0 movzbl -2(%ebp), %eax andb $1, %al testb %al, %al je .L11 # basic block 1 # comp_bug.adb:23 .loc 2 23 0 movzbl -2(%ebp), %eax andb $1, %al movzbl %al, %eax movl %eax, (%esp) movl %ebp, %ecx call comp_bug__number_tD2.1390 testb %al, %al je .L4 # basic block 2 movl $23, 4(%esp) movl $.LC0, (%esp) call __gnat_rcheck_02 .L4: # basic block 3 movzbl -2(%ebp), %eax andb $1, %al movzbl %al, %eax movl %eax, (%esp) movl %ebp, %ecx call comp_bug__number_tD2.1390 testb %al, %al je .L6 # basic block 4 movl $23, 4(%esp) movl $.LC0, (%esp) call __gnat_rcheck_02 .L6: # basic block 5 movzbl -1(%ebp), %eax movzbl %al, %eax incl %eax movl %eax, -20(%ebp) cmpl $0, -20(%ebp) js .L8 # basic block 6 cmpl $255, -20(%ebp) jle .L10 .L8: # basic block 7 movl $23, 4(%esp) movl $.LC0, (%esp) call __gnat_rcheck_12 .L10: # basic block 8 movzbl -20(%ebp), %eax movb %al, -1(%ebp) .L11: # basic block 9 .LBE2: # comp_bug.adb:25 .loc 2 25 0 leave ret .LFE3: .size _ada_comp_bug, .-_ada_comp_bug .globl __gnat_eh_personality .align 2 .type comp_bug__number_tIP.1398, @function comp_bug__number_tIP.1398: .LFB6: # basic block 0 pushl %ebp .LCFI3: movl %esp, %ebp .LCFI4: subl $8, %esp .LCFI5: movl 12(%ebp), %eax movb %al, -4(%ebp) movl %ecx, -8(%ebp) movzbl -4(%ebp), %eax andb $1, %al movl 8(%ebp), %edx movb %al, %cl andb $1, %cl movzbl (%edx), %eax andb $-2, %al orb %cl, %al movb %al, (%edx) leave ret .LFE6: .size comp_bug__number_tIP.1398, .-comp_bug__number_tIP.1398 .align 2 .type comp_bug__number_tD2.1390, @function comp_bug__number_tD2.1390: .LFB4: # basic block 0 pushl %ebp .LCFI6: movl %esp, %ebp .LCFI7: subl $12, %esp .LCFI8: movl 8(%ebp), %eax movb %al, -4(%ebp) movl %ecx, -8(%ebp) cmpb $0, -4(%ebp) je .L15 # basic block 1 movb $0, -9(%ebp) jmp .L17 .L15: # basic block 2 movb $1, -9(%ebp) .L17: # basic block 3 movzbl -9(%ebp), %eax leave ret .LFE4: .size comp_bug__number_tD2.1390, .-comp_bug__number_tD2.1390 #APP .section .debug_frame,"",@progbits .Lframe0: .long .LECIE0-.LSCIE0 # Length of Common Information Entry .LSCIE0: .long 0xffffffff # CIE Identifier Tag .byte 0x1 # CIE Version .ascii "\0" # CIE Augmentation .uleb128 0x1 # CIE Code Alignment Factor .sleb128 -4 # CIE Data Alignment Factor .byte 0x8 # CIE RA Column .byte 0xc # DW_CFA_def_cfa .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0x4 .byte 0x88 # DW_CFA_offset, column 0x8 .uleb128 0x1 .align 4 .LECIE0: .LSFDE0: .long .LEFDE0-.LASFDE0 # FDE Length .LASFDE0: .long .Lframe0 # FDE CIE offset .long .LFB3 # FDE initial location .long .LFE3-.LFB3 # FDE address range .byte 0x4 # DW_CFA_advance_loc4 .long .LCFI0-.LFB3 .byte 0xe # DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x85 # DW_CFA_offset, column 0x5 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 # DW_CFA_advance_loc4 .long .LCFI1-.LCFI0 .byte 0xd # DW_CFA_def_cfa_register .uleb128 0x5 .align 4 .LEFDE0: .LSFDE2: .long .LEFDE2-.LASFDE2 # FDE Length .LASFDE2: .long .Lframe0 # FDE CIE offset .long .LFB6 # FDE initial location .long .LFE6-.LFB6 # FDE address range .byte 0x4 # DW_CFA_advance_loc4 .long .LCFI3-.LFB6 .byte 0xe # DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x85 # DW_CFA_offset, column 0x5 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 # DW_CFA_advance_loc4 .long .LCFI4-.LCFI3 .byte 0xd # DW_CFA_def_cfa_register .uleb128 0x5 .align 4 .LEFDE2: .LSFDE4: .long .LEFDE4-.LASFDE4 # FDE Length .LASFDE4: .long .Lframe0 # FDE CIE offset .long .LFB4 # FDE initial location .long .LFE4-.LFB4 # FDE address range .byte 0x4 # DW_CFA_advance_loc4 .long .LCFI6-.LFB4 .byte 0xe # DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x85 # DW_CFA_offset, column 0x5 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 # DW_CFA_advance_loc4 .long .LCFI7-.LCFI6 .byte 0xd # DW_CFA_def_cfa_register .uleb128 0x5 .align 4 .LEFDE4: #NO_APP #APP .section .eh_frame,"a",@progbits .Lframe1: .long .LECIE1-.LSCIE1 # Length of Common Information Entry .LSCIE1: .long 0x0 # CIE Identifier Tag .byte 0x1 # CIE Version .ascii "zP\0" # CIE Augmentation .uleb128 0x1 # CIE Code Alignment Factor .sleb128 -4 # CIE Data Alignment Factor .byte 0x8 # CIE RA Column .uleb128 0x5 # Augmentation size .byte 0x0 # Personality (absolute) .long __gnat_eh_personality .byte 0xc # DW_CFA_def_cfa .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0x4 .byte 0x88 # DW_CFA_offset, column 0x8 .uleb128 0x1 .align 4 .LECIE1: .LSFDE1: .long .LEFDE1-.LASFDE1 # FDE Length .LASFDE1: .long .LASFDE1-.Lframe1 # FDE CIE offset .long .LFB3 # FDE initial location .long .LFE3-.LFB3 # FDE address range .uleb128 0x0 # Augmentation size .byte 0x4 # DW_CFA_advance_loc4 .long .LCFI0-.LFB3 .byte 0xe # DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x85 # DW_CFA_offset, column 0x5 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 # DW_CFA_advance_loc4 .long .LCFI1-.LCFI0 .byte 0xd # DW_CFA_def_cfa_register .uleb128 0x5 .align 4 .LEFDE1: .LSFDE3: .long .LEFDE3-.LASFDE3 # FDE Length .LASFDE3: .long .LASFDE3-.Lframe1 # FDE CIE offset .long .LFB6 # FDE initial location .long .LFE6-.LFB6 # FDE address range .uleb128 0x0 # Augmentation size .byte 0x4 # DW_CFA_advance_loc4 .long .LCFI3-.LFB6 .byte 0xe # DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x85 # DW_CFA_offset, column 0x5 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 # DW_CFA_advance_loc4 .long .LCFI4-.LCFI3 .byte 0xd # DW_CFA_def_cfa_register .uleb128 0x5 .align 4 .LEFDE3: .LSFDE5: .long .LEFDE5-.LASFDE5 # FDE Length .LASFDE5: .long .LASFDE5-.Lframe1 # FDE CIE offset .long .LFB4 # FDE initial location .long .LFE4-.LFB4 # FDE address range .uleb128 0x0 # Augmentation size .byte 0x4 # DW_CFA_advance_loc4 .long .LCFI6-.LFB4 .byte 0xe # DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset .uleb128 0x8 .byte 0x85 # DW_CFA_offset, column 0x5 .uleb128 0x2 .byte 0x4 # DW_CFA_advance_loc4 .long .LCFI7-.LCFI6 .byte 0xd # DW_CFA_def_cfa_register .uleb128 0x5 .align 4 .LEFDE5: #NO_APP .text .Letext0: .section .debug_loc,"",@progbits .Ldebug_loc0: .LLST0: .long .LFB3-.Ltext0 # Location list begin address (*.LLST0) .long .LCFI0-.Ltext0 # Location list end address (*.LLST0) .value 0x2 # Location expression size .byte 0x74 # DW_OP_breg4 .sleb128 4 .long .LCFI0-.Ltext0 # Location list begin address (*.LLST0) .long .LCFI1-.Ltext0 # Location list end address (*.LLST0) .value 0x2 # Location expression size .byte 0x74 # DW_OP_breg4 .sleb128 8 .long .LCFI1-.Ltext0 # Location list begin address (*.LLST0) .long .LFE3-.Ltext0 # Location list end address (*.LLST0) .value 0x2 # Location expression size .byte 0x75 # DW_OP_breg5 .sleb128 8 .long 0x0 # Location list terminator begin (*.LLST0) .long 0x0 # Location list terminator end (*.LLST0) .section .debug_info .long 0x471 # Length of Compilation Unit Info .value 0x2 # DWARF version number .long .Ldebug_abbrev0 # Offset Into Abbrev. Section .byte 0x4 # Pointer Size (in bytes) .uleb128 0x1 # (DIE (0xb) DW_TAG_compile_unit) .long .Ldebug_line0 # DW_AT_stmt_list .long .Letext0 # DW_AT_high_pc .long .Ltext0 # DW_AT_low_pc .ascii "GNU Ada 4.1.3 20080421 for GNAT Pro 6.2.0w (20080420) -gdwarf+-\0" # DW_AT_producer .byte 0xd # DW_AT_language .ascii "comp_bug.adb\0" # DW_AT_name .ascii "/t.a/brobecke\0" # DW_AT_comp_dir .uleb128 0x2 # (DIE (0x74) DW_TAG_typedef) .ascii "boolean\0" # DW_AT_name .long 0x81 # DW_AT_type .uleb128 0x3 # (DIE (0x81) DW_TAG_enumeration_type) .long 0xa0 # DW_AT_sibling .ascii "boolean\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_artificial .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_byte_size .uleb128 0x4 # (DIE (0x90) DW_TAG_enumerator) .ascii "false\0" # DW_AT_name .sleb128 0 # DW_AT_const_value .uleb128 0x4 # (DIE (0x98) DW_TAG_enumerator) .ascii "true\0" # DW_AT_name .sleb128 1 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 0x0 # end of children of DIE 0x81 .uleb128 0x5 # (DIE (0xa0) DW_TAG_typedef) .long .LASF0 # DW_AT_name: "character" .long 0xa9 # DW_AT_type .uleb128 0x6 # (DIE (0xa9) DW_TAG_base_type) .long .LASF0 # DW_AT_name: "character" .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 0x8 # DW_AT_encoding .uleb128 0x5 # (DIE (0xb0) DW_TAG_typedef) .long .LASF1 # DW_AT_name: "natural___XDLU_0__2147483647" .long 0xc0 # DW_AT_type .uleb128 0x6 # (DIE (0xb9) DW_TAG_base_type) .long .LASF2 # DW_AT_name: "integer" .byte 0x4 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 0x5 # DW_AT_encoding .uleb128 0x7 # (DIE (0xc0) DW_TAG_subrange_type) .long .LASF1 # DW_AT_name: "natural___XDLU_0__2147483647" .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_artificial .byte 0x0 # DW_AT_lower_bound .long 0x7fffffff # DW_AT_upper_bound .long 0xb9 # DW_AT_type .uleb128 0x2 # (DIE (0xcf) DW_TAG_typedef) .ascii "access_character\0" # DW_AT_name .long 0xe5 # DW_AT_type .uleb128 0x8 # (DIE (0xe5) DW_TAG_pointer_type) .byte 0x4 # DW_AT_byte_size .long 0xa9 # DW_AT_type .uleb128 0x5 # (DIE (0xeb) DW_TAG_typedef) .long .LASF3 # DW_AT_name: "unsigned" .long 0xf4 # DW_AT_type .uleb128 0x6 # (DIE (0xf4) DW_TAG_base_type) .long .LASF3 # DW_AT_name: "unsigned" .byte 0x4 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 0x7 # DW_AT_encoding .uleb128 0x9 # (DIE (0xfb) DW_TAG_structure_type) .long 0x1a2 # DW_AT_sibling .long .LASF8 # DW_AT_name: "exception" .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_artificial .byte 0x18 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_line .uleb128 0xa # (DIE (0x108) DW_TAG_member) .ascii "not_handled_by_others\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 0x81 # DW_AT_type .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0x23 # DW_OP_plus_uconst .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xa # (DIE (0x128) DW_TAG_member) .ascii "lang\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 0xa9 # DW_AT_type .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0x23 # DW_OP_plus_uconst .uleb128 0x1 .uleb128 0xa # (DIE (0x137) DW_TAG_member) .ascii "name_length\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 0xc0 # DW_AT_type .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0x23 # DW_OP_plus_uconst .uleb128 0x4 .uleb128 0xa # (DIE (0x14d) DW_TAG_member) .ascii "full_name\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 0xe5 # DW_AT_type .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0x23 # DW_OP_plus_uconst .uleb128 0x8 .uleb128 0xa # (DIE (0x161) DW_TAG_member) .ascii "htable_ptr\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 0xe5 # DW_AT_type .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0x23 # DW_OP_plus_uconst .uleb128 0xc .uleb128 0xa # (DIE (0x176) DW_TAG_member) .ascii "import_code\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 0xf4 # DW_AT_type .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0x23 # DW_OP_plus_uconst .uleb128 0x10 .uleb128 0xa # (DIE (0x18c) DW_TAG_member) .ascii "raise_hook\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 0xe5 # DW_AT_type .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0x23 # DW_OP_plus_uconst .uleb128 0x14 .byte 0x0 # end of children of DIE 0xfb .uleb128 0xb # (DIE (0x1a2) DW_TAG_typedef) .long .LASF4 # DW_AT_name: "unsigned int" .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 0x1ad # DW_AT_type .uleb128 0x6 # (DIE (0x1ad) DW_TAG_base_type) .long .LASF4 # DW_AT_name: "unsigned int" .byte 0x4 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 0x7 # DW_AT_encoding .uleb128 0xc # (DIE (0x1b4) DW_TAG_typedef) .ascii "void\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_line .uleb128 0xd # (DIE (0x1bc) DW_TAG_typedef) .ascii "void\0" # DW_AT_name .uleb128 0x5 # (DIE (0x1c2) DW_TAG_typedef) .long .LASF5 # DW_AT_name: "JMPBUF_T" .long 0x1cb # DW_AT_type .uleb128 0xe # (DIE (0x1cb) DW_TAG_array_type) .long 0x1e1 # DW_AT_sibling .long .LASF5 # DW_AT_name: "JMPBUF_T" .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_artificial .long 0x1ed # DW_AT_type .uleb128 0xf # (DIE (0x1d9) DW_TAG_subrange_type) .long 0x1e1 # DW_AT_type .byte 0x0 # DW_AT_lower_bound .byte 0x5 # DW_AT_upper_bound .byte 0x0 # end of children of DIE 0x1cb .uleb128 0x10 # (DIE (0x1e1) DW_TAG_base_type) .ascii "long int\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x4 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 0x5 # DW_AT_encoding .uleb128 0x10 # (DIE (0x1ed) DW_TAG_base_type) .ascii "SIGNED_32\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x4 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 0x5 # DW_AT_encoding .uleb128 0x11 # (DIE (0x1fa) DW_TAG_subprogram) .long 0x252 # DW_AT_sibling .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_external .ascii "comp_bug\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_decl_line .ascii "_ada_comp_bug\0" # DW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name .long .LFB3 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .LFE3 # DW_AT_high_pc .long .LLST0 # DW_AT_frame_base .uleb128 0x5 # (DIE (0x225) DW_TAG_typedef) .long .LASF6 # DW_AT_name: "comp_bug__number_t__T1b___XDLU_0__255" .long 0x22e # DW_AT_type .uleb128 0x12 # (DIE (0x22e) DW_TAG_subrange_type) .long .LASF6 # DW_AT_name: "comp_bug__number_t__T1b___XDLU_0__255" .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_artificial .byte 0x0 # DW_AT_lower_bound .byte 0xff # DW_AT_upper_bound .long 0x252 # DW_AT_type .uleb128 0xb # (DIE (0x23a) DW_TAG_typedef) .long .LASF7 # DW_AT_name: "comp_bug__number_t" .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x3 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 0x259 # DW_AT_type .uleb128 0x13 # (DIE (0x245) DW_TAG_variable) .ascii "x\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0xe # DW_AT_decl_line .long 0x40a # DW_AT_type .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_location .byte 0x91 # DW_OP_fbreg .sleb128 -10 .byte 0x0 # end of children of DIE 0x1fa .uleb128 0x6 # (DIE (0x252) DW_TAG_base_type) .long .LASF2 # DW_AT_name: "integer" .byte 0x4 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 0x5 # DW_AT_encoding .uleb128 0x14 # (DIE (0x259) DW_TAG_structure_type) .long 0x298 # DW_AT_sibling .long .LASF7 # DW_AT_name: "comp_bug__number_t" .long 0x298 # DW_AT_GNAT_descriptive_type .long 0xffffffff # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x6 # DW_AT_decl_line .uleb128 0x15 # (DIE (0x26c) DW_TAG_member) .ascii "exists\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x3 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 0x2cd # DW_AT_type .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_bit_size .byte 0x7 # DW_AT_bit_offset .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0x23 # DW_OP_plus_uconst .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0xa # (DIE (0x280) DW_TAG_member) .ascii "exists___XVN\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x6 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 0x2f3 # DW_AT_type .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0x23 # DW_OP_plus_uconst .uleb128 0x4 .byte 0x0 # end of children of DIE 0x259 .uleb128 0x16 # (DIE (0x298) DW_TAG_structure_type) .long 0x2f3 # DW_AT_sibling .ascii "comp_bug__number_t___XVE\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x6 # DW_AT_decl_line .uleb128 0x15 # (DIE (0x2b9) DW_TAG_member) .ascii "exists\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x6 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 0x2cd # DW_AT_type .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_bit_size .byte 0x7 # DW_AT_bit_offset .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0x23 # DW_OP_plus_uconst .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0x17 # (DIE (0x2cd) DW_TAG_subrange_type) .byte 0x0 # DW_AT_lower_bound .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_upper_bound .long 0x81 # DW_AT_type .uleb128 0xa # (DIE (0x2d4) DW_TAG_member) .ascii "exists___XVN___XVL1\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x6 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 0x404 # DW_AT_type .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0x23 # DW_OP_plus_uconst .uleb128 0x0 .byte 0x0 # end of children of DIE 0x298 .uleb128 0x18 # (DIE (0x2f3) DW_TAG_union_type) .long 0x344 # DW_AT_sibling .ascii "comp_bug__number_t___exists___XVN\0" # DW_AT_name .long 0x344 # DW_AT_GNAT_descriptive_type .long 0xffffffff # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x6 # DW_AT_decl_line .uleb128 0x15 # (DIE (0x324) DW_TAG_member) .ascii "S1\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x6 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 0x388 # DW_AT_type .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 0x8 # DW_AT_bit_size .byte 0x0 # DW_AT_bit_offset .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0x23 # DW_OP_plus_uconst .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0x15 # (DIE (0x334) DW_TAG_member) .ascii "O\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x6 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 0x3da # DW_AT_type .byte 0x0 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 0x0 # DW_AT_bit_size .byte 0x0 # DW_AT_bit_offset .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0x23 # DW_OP_plus_uconst .uleb128 0x0 .byte 0x0 # end of children of DIE 0x2f3 .uleb128 0x19 # (DIE (0x344) DW_TAG_union_type) .long 0x388 # DW_AT_sibling .ascii "comp_bug__number_t___exists___XVN___XVU\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x6 # DW_AT_decl_line .uleb128 0x1a # (DIE (0x374) DW_TAG_member) .ascii "S1\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x6 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 0x388 # DW_AT_type .uleb128 0x1a # (DIE (0x37e) DW_TAG_member) .ascii "O\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x6 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 0x3da # DW_AT_type .byte 0x0 # end of children of DIE 0x344 .uleb128 0x16 # (DIE (0x388) DW_TAG_structure_type) .long 0x3d3 # DW_AT_sibling .ascii "comp_bug__number_t___exists___XVN___S1\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x7 # DW_AT_decl_line .uleb128 0x15 # (DIE (0x3b7) DW_TAG_member) .ascii "value\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x7 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 0x3ca # DW_AT_type .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 0x8 # DW_AT_bit_size .byte 0x0 # DW_AT_bit_offset .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0x23 # DW_OP_plus_uconst .uleb128 0x0 .uleb128 0x1b # (DIE (0x3ca) DW_TAG_subrange_type) .byte 0x1 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 0x0 # DW_AT_lower_bound .byte 0xff # DW_AT_upper_bound .long 0x3d3 # DW_AT_type .byte 0x0 # end of children of DIE 0x388 .uleb128 0x6 # (DIE (0x3d3) DW_TAG_base_type) .long .LASF2 # DW_AT_name: "integer" .byte 0x4 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 0x5 # DW_AT_encoding .uleb128 0x1c # (DIE (0x3da) DW_TAG_structure_type) .ascii "comp_bug__number_t___exists___XVN___O\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x0 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0x6 # DW_AT_decl_line .uleb128 0x8 # (DIE (0x404) DW_TAG_pointer_type) .byte 0x4 # DW_AT_byte_size .long 0x2f3 # DW_AT_type .uleb128 0x1d # (DIE (0x40a) DW_TAG_structure_type) .long 0x435 # DW_AT_sibling .ascii "comp_bug__x___PAD\0" # DW_AT_name .long 0x435 # DW_AT_GNAT_descriptive_type .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0xe # DW_AT_decl_line .uleb128 0xa # (DIE (0x428) DW_TAG_member) .ascii "F\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0xe # DW_AT_decl_line .long 0x259 # DW_AT_type .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0x23 # DW_OP_plus_uconst .uleb128 0x3 .byte 0x0 # end of children of DIE 0x40a .uleb128 0x16 # (DIE (0x435) DW_TAG_structure_type) .long 0x464 # DW_AT_sibling .ascii "comp_bug__x___PAD___XVS\0" # DW_AT_name .byte 0x4 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0xe # DW_AT_decl_line .uleb128 0x1e # (DIE (0x455) DW_TAG_member) .long .LASF7 # DW_AT_name: "comp_bug__number_t" .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 0xe # DW_AT_decl_line .long 0x464 # DW_AT_type .byte 0x2 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0x23 # DW_OP_plus_uconst .uleb128 0x0 .byte 0x0 # end of children of DIE 0x435 .uleb128 0x6 # (DIE (0x464) DW_TAG_base_type) .long .LASF2 # DW_AT_name: "integer" .byte 0x4 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 0x5 # DW_AT_encoding .uleb128 0x5 # (DIE (0x46b) DW_TAG_typedef) .long .LASF8 # DW_AT_name: "exception" .long 0xfb # DW_AT_type .byte 0x0 # end of children of DIE 0xb .section .debug_abbrev .uleb128 0x1 # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0x11 # (TAG: DW_TAG_compile_unit) .byte 0x1 # DW_children_yes .uleb128 0x10 # (DW_AT_stmt_list) .uleb128 0x6 # (DW_FORM_data4) .uleb128 0x12 # (DW_AT_high_pc) .uleb128 0x1 # (DW_FORM_addr) .uleb128 0x11 # (DW_AT_low_pc) .uleb128 0x1 # (DW_FORM_addr) .uleb128 0x25 # (DW_AT_producer) .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_AT_language) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string) .uleb128 0x1b # (DW_AT_comp_dir) .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x2 # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0x16 # (TAG: DW_TAG_typedef) .byte 0x0 # DW_children_no .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string) .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x3 # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0x4 # (TAG: DW_TAG_enumeration_type) .byte 0x1 # DW_children_yes .uleb128 0x1 # (DW_AT_sibling) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string) .uleb128 0x34 # (DW_AT_artificial) .uleb128 0xc # (DW_FORM_flag) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_AT_byte_size) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x4 # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0x28 # (TAG: DW_TAG_enumerator) .byte 0x0 # DW_children_no .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string) .uleb128 0x1c # (DW_AT_const_value) .uleb128 0xd # (DW_FORM_sdata) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x5 # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0x16 # (TAG: DW_TAG_typedef) .byte 0x0 # DW_children_no .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0xe # (DW_FORM_strp) .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x6 # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0x24 # (TAG: DW_TAG_base_type) .byte 0x0 # DW_children_no .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0xe # (DW_FORM_strp) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_AT_byte_size) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x3e # (DW_AT_encoding) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x7 # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0x21 # (TAG: DW_TAG_subrange_type) .byte 0x0 # DW_children_no .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0xe # (DW_FORM_strp) .uleb128 0x34 # (DW_AT_artificial) .uleb128 0xc # (DW_FORM_flag) .uleb128 0x22 # (DW_AT_lower_bound) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x2f # (DW_AT_upper_bound) .uleb128 0x6 # (DW_FORM_data4) .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x8 # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0xf # (TAG: DW_TAG_pointer_type) .byte 0x0 # DW_children_no .uleb128 0xb # (DW_AT_byte_size) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x9 # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0x13 # (TAG: DW_TAG_structure_type) .byte 0x1 # DW_children_yes .uleb128 0x1 # (DW_AT_sibling) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0xe # (DW_FORM_strp) .uleb128 0x34 # (DW_AT_artificial) .uleb128 0xc # (DW_FORM_flag) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_AT_byte_size) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x3a # (DW_AT_decl_file) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x3b # (DW_AT_decl_line) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xa # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0xd # (TAG: DW_TAG_member) .byte 0x0 # DW_children_no .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string) .uleb128 0x3a # (DW_AT_decl_file) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x3b # (DW_AT_decl_line) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .uleb128 0x38 # (DW_AT_data_member_location) .uleb128 0xa # (DW_FORM_block1) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xb # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0x16 # (TAG: DW_TAG_typedef) .byte 0x0 # DW_children_no .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0xe # (DW_FORM_strp) .uleb128 0x3a # (DW_AT_decl_file) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x3b # (DW_AT_decl_line) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xc # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0x16 # (TAG: DW_TAG_typedef) .byte 0x0 # DW_children_no .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string) .uleb128 0x3a # (DW_AT_decl_file) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x3b # (DW_AT_decl_line) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xd # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0x16 # (TAG: DW_TAG_typedef) .byte 0x0 # DW_children_no .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xe # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0x1 # (TAG: DW_TAG_array_type) .byte 0x1 # DW_children_yes .uleb128 0x1 # (DW_AT_sibling) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0xe # (DW_FORM_strp) .uleb128 0x34 # (DW_AT_artificial) .uleb128 0xc # (DW_FORM_flag) .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0xf # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0x21 # (TAG: DW_TAG_subrange_type) .byte 0x0 # DW_children_no .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .uleb128 0x22 # (DW_AT_lower_bound) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x2f # (DW_AT_upper_bound) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x10 # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0x24 # (TAG: DW_TAG_base_type) .byte 0x0 # DW_children_no .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_AT_byte_size) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x3e # (DW_AT_encoding) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x11 # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0x2e # (TAG: DW_TAG_subprogram) .byte 0x1 # DW_children_yes .uleb128 0x1 # (DW_AT_sibling) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .uleb128 0x3f # (DW_AT_external) .uleb128 0xc # (DW_FORM_flag) .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string) .uleb128 0x3a # (DW_AT_decl_file) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x3b # (DW_AT_decl_line) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x2007 # (DW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name) .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string) .uleb128 0x11 # (DW_AT_low_pc) .uleb128 0x1 # (DW_FORM_addr) .uleb128 0x12 # (DW_AT_high_pc) .uleb128 0x1 # (DW_FORM_addr) .uleb128 0x40 # (DW_AT_frame_base) .uleb128 0x6 # (DW_FORM_data4) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x12 # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0x21 # (TAG: DW_TAG_subrange_type) .byte 0x0 # DW_children_no .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0xe # (DW_FORM_strp) .uleb128 0x34 # (DW_AT_artificial) .uleb128 0xc # (DW_FORM_flag) .uleb128 0x22 # (DW_AT_lower_bound) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x2f # (DW_AT_upper_bound) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x13 # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0x34 # (TAG: DW_TAG_variable) .byte 0x0 # DW_children_no .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string) .uleb128 0x3a # (DW_AT_decl_file) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x3b # (DW_AT_decl_line) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .uleb128 0x2 # (DW_AT_location) .uleb128 0xa # (DW_FORM_block1) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x14 # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0x13 # (TAG: DW_TAG_structure_type) .byte 0x1 # DW_children_yes .uleb128 0x1 # (DW_AT_sibling) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0xe # (DW_FORM_strp) .uleb128 0x2302 # (DW_AT_GNAT_descriptive_type) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_AT_byte_size) .uleb128 0x6 # (DW_FORM_data4) .uleb128 0x3a # (DW_AT_decl_file) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x3b # (DW_AT_decl_line) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x15 # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0xd # (TAG: DW_TAG_member) .byte 0x0 # DW_children_no .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string) .uleb128 0x3a # (DW_AT_decl_file) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x3b # (DW_AT_decl_line) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_AT_byte_size) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0xd # (DW_AT_bit_size) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0xc # (DW_AT_bit_offset) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x38 # (DW_AT_data_member_location) .uleb128 0xa # (DW_FORM_block1) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x16 # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0x13 # (TAG: DW_TAG_structure_type) .byte 0x1 # DW_children_yes .uleb128 0x1 # (DW_AT_sibling) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_AT_byte_size) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x3a # (DW_AT_decl_file) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x3b # (DW_AT_decl_line) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x17 # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0x21 # (TAG: DW_TAG_subrange_type) .byte 0x0 # DW_children_no .uleb128 0x22 # (DW_AT_lower_bound) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x2f # (DW_AT_upper_bound) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x18 # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0x17 # (TAG: DW_TAG_union_type) .byte 0x1 # DW_children_yes .uleb128 0x1 # (DW_AT_sibling) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string) .uleb128 0x2302 # (DW_AT_GNAT_descriptive_type) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_AT_byte_size) .uleb128 0x6 # (DW_FORM_data4) .uleb128 0x3a # (DW_AT_decl_file) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x3b # (DW_AT_decl_line) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x19 # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0x17 # (TAG: DW_TAG_union_type) .byte 0x1 # DW_children_yes .uleb128 0x1 # (DW_AT_sibling) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_AT_byte_size) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x3a # (DW_AT_decl_file) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x3b # (DW_AT_decl_line) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x1a # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0xd # (TAG: DW_TAG_member) .byte 0x0 # DW_children_no .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string) .uleb128 0x3a # (DW_AT_decl_file) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x3b # (DW_AT_decl_line) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x1b # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0x21 # (TAG: DW_TAG_subrange_type) .byte 0x0 # DW_children_no .uleb128 0xb # (DW_AT_byte_size) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x22 # (DW_AT_lower_bound) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x2f # (DW_AT_upper_bound) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x1c # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0x13 # (TAG: DW_TAG_structure_type) .byte 0x0 # DW_children_no .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_AT_byte_size) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x3a # (DW_AT_decl_file) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x3b # (DW_AT_decl_line) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x1d # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0x13 # (TAG: DW_TAG_structure_type) .byte 0x1 # DW_children_yes .uleb128 0x1 # (DW_AT_sibling) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0x8 # (DW_FORM_string) .uleb128 0x2302 # (DW_AT_GNAT_descriptive_type) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_AT_byte_size) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x3a # (DW_AT_decl_file) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x3b # (DW_AT_decl_line) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .uleb128 0x1e # (abbrev code) .uleb128 0xd # (TAG: DW_TAG_member) .byte 0x0 # DW_children_no .uleb128 0x3 # (DW_AT_name) .uleb128 0xe # (DW_FORM_strp) .uleb128 0x3a # (DW_AT_decl_file) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x3b # (DW_AT_decl_line) .uleb128 0xb # (DW_FORM_data1) .uleb128 0x49 # (DW_AT_type) .uleb128 0x13 # (DW_FORM_ref4) .uleb128 0x38 # (DW_AT_data_member_location) .uleb128 0xa # (DW_FORM_block1) .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .byte 0x0 .section .debug_pubnames,"",@progbits .long 0x1b # Length of Public Names Info .value 0x2 # DWARF Version .long .Ldebug_info0 # Offset of Compilation Unit Info .long 0x475 # Compilation Unit Length .long 0x1fa # DIE offset .ascii "comp_bug\0" # external name .long 0x0 .section .debug_aranges,"",@progbits .long 0x1c # Length of Address Ranges Info .value 0x2 # DWARF Version .long .Ldebug_info0 # Offset of Compilation Unit Info .byte 0x4 # Size of Address .byte 0x0 # Size of Segment Descriptor .value 0x0 # Pad to 8 byte boundary .value 0x0 .long .Ltext0 # Address .long .Letext0-.Ltext0 # Length .long 0x0 .long 0x0 .section .debug_str,"",@progbits .LASF4: .string "unsigned int" .LASF1: .string "natural___XDLU_0__2147483647" .LASF3: .string "unsigned" .LASF8: .string "exception" .LASF6: .string "comp_bug__number_t__T1b___XDLU_0__255" .LASF5: .string "JMPBUF_T" .LASF2: .string "integer" .LASF7: .string "comp_bug__number_t" .LASF0: .string "character" .ident "GCC: (GNU) 4.1.3 20080421 for GNAT Pro 6.2.0w (20080420)" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits