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Re: [RFA/commit/dwarf] Create partial symbols for nested subprograms

Joel> the one thing that I am wondering is how users will respond to an
Joel> unexpectedly long delay when entering a command that is usually fast
Joel> and yet takes a noticeably long time that one time. [...]

Frank> Could gdb use something like alarm(2) to issue progress notifications?

One open question with this patch is what to do about notifications.
There are two things to consider.

One problem is that gdb prints "(no debugging symbols found)" when
reading partial symbols.  With lazy loading, this is always printed,
even though it is not correct.  In my patch I removed this code.  This
is not really satisfying, at least if we assume that people want and
pay attention to these messages (I certainly have on occasion).

The other problem is whether to print something when reading partial
symbols.  This is a problem because it might print any time,
potentially messing up other output.

I'm not sure how this affects MI.


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