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Re: [PATCH:doc] GDB/MI attribute names

> Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 10:31:41 +1200
> Cc:
> From: (Nick Roberts)
> I can guess what it means but why are there three pairs of double
> quotes?  When inserted into info it all gets enclosed in further
> single quotes.  The usual meaning of `string' gets re-defined and *
> means 0 or more, so the empty string would be valid.  Also we
> probably don't want a field name to start with a digit.  Current
> names don't use digits at all and my initial proposal was not to
> include them in the specification.

If Texinfo markup and the way the result looks in Info are the
problem, then tell me how would you like it to look in Info, and I
will suggest the markup.

Wrt rest, I will go with anything you two agree upon.  I only tried to
suggest alternatives from the documentation readability POV, not
because I know more about the subject matter than you do.  IOW, my
comments were stylistic, not about the essence.

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