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deprecated_throw_reason? (was Re: New ARI warning Tue Jan 25 01:55:01 UTC 2011)

On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 01:55:01 +0000
GDB Administrator <> wrote:

> > gdb/remote-mips.c:513: deprecated: deprecated throw_reason: Do not use deprecated throw_reason, see declaration for details
> gdb/remote-mips.c:513:  deprecated_throw_reason (RETURN_ERROR);
> > gdb/remote-mips.c:2285: deprecated: deprecated throw_reason: Do not use deprecated throw_reason, see declaration for details
> gdb/remote-mips.c:2285:	  deprecated_throw_reason (RETURN_QUIT);

Does anyone know how these uses of deprecated_throw_reason should
be fixed?

I've looked at the comment before the declaration of
deprecated_throw_reason().  It reads as follows:

/* Instead of deprecated_throw_reason, code should use catch_exception
   and throw_exception.  */
extern void deprecated_throw_reason (enum return_reason reason)

This sort of makes sense, except that the code in question just
wants to do a throw.  I suppose I could try to inline the relevant
bits from the definition of deprecated_throw_reason(), but that
seems ugly.

I've also looked at the patch where throw_reason() was deprecated.

It's interesting to note that with the exception of a use of
deprecated_throw_reason() in breakpoint.c, all other uses (where
the files still exist) are still in the gdb sources today.

I've also looked at the definition of deprecated_throw_reason().  It
seems to me that it's a convenient wrapper for throw_exception().  I'm
wondering if deprecated_throw_reason() ought not to have been
deprecated?   (Note that Eli objected to the patch which performed the
deprecation precisely because no example was given as to how to
perform the conversions - well, at least that's my reading of it.)


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