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Re: FYI: more cleanup fixes

Tom> I neglected to mention in the last email: if anybody wants the latest
Tom> version of the plugin, just let me know.

Yao> Tom, I'd like to have a try on this plugin.  How can I get it?

1. Check out the Python plugin:

2. Apply the attached patch.

3. Build the plugin.  It builds without fuss on Fedora 15 with the
   appropriate prereqs installed, I don't know about other distros.

4. Rebuild gdb with the plugin.  I use:

   export PYTHONPATH=/home/tromey/Space/Trunk/gcc-python-plugin/
   make -C /home/tromey/gnu/archer/build/gdb/ -k CFLAGS='-g -O -fplugin=/home/tromey/Space/Trunk/gcc-python-plugin/ -fplugin-arg-python-script=/home/tromey/Space/Trunk/gcc-python-plugin/' 

Note that the cleanup checker is not bulletproof.  It gives some
incorrect errors, so you have to analyze each one.

If you happen to patch it for some reason, I'm interested in your


Attachment: P
Description: the patch

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