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Re: [PATCH 1/2] new memory-changed MI notification.

On 10/16/2012 01:58 AM, wrote:
For my own education, is this suppression just an optimization, or is there a correctness issue here?
I can imagine that it's an optimization, why notify the frontend something changed when it's the frontend that requested the change.

The notifications are designed to tell frontend something about the changes of GDB states which frontend is not aware of. If the changes are requested from fronend, so we think frontend should be aware of these changes, and then notifications are not necessary to be sent.

But there is*zero*  documentation in mi-main.h on*why*  struct mi_suppress_notification exists, so it's hard to tell.:-(
[I realize your patch is just adding an entry, but I'd like to learn what the reason for it is.]

It needs some comments here. I'll document it shortly.


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