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Re: [PATCH 0/4] bitpos expansion summary reloaded

On Tue, 06 Nov 2012 21:01:17 +0100, Jan Kratochvil wrote:
> start just normally fixing all the warnings for -Wconversion

other possibility is just to target the 64-bit offsets avoid the -Wconversion
fixes mostly unrelated to it.

This is a repeating issue like the checked-in cu_offset vs. sect_offset,
therefore to use something like:

typedef struct
  int64_t x;
} ssize64_type;

(There was some complain on reversed *_t types, therefore I used _type.))))

I will yet see how beneficial are the -Wconversion fixes, I believe not much
so the ssize64_type way may be at least easier to implement.

BTW it would be all sure much easier with C++ and its operator overloading.


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