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Re: [PATCH v3] Implement $_exitsignal

On Monday, September 09 2013, Doug Evans wrote:

> Hi.
> The docs don't say this,
> [and there may be a better place in the docs to say it, and it may not
> currently be possible ... but with those caveats in mind ... :-)]
> I need to see documented a way for a script to know which of
> $_exitcode and $_exitsignal to look at.

Thanks for the reply, Doug.  According to what we discussed on IRC, I
implemented a new convenience function called $_isvoid(), which can be
used to check whether a convenience variable is void.  This should be
enough for someone who needs to use $_exit{code,signal} in their
scripts, because when one of them is set (i.e., has a non-void value),
the other is void.

I will post the $_isvoid patch for discussion/approval, and then I will
make the necessary modifications on the $_exitsignal patch in order to
include instructions for scripting.


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