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Re: Improving GDB's mechanism to check if function is GC'ed

On 10/06/15 11:17, Pedro Alves wrote:
Hmm, does it really need to, though?  We expose mechanisms like
add-symbol-file, xml library list with qXfer:libraries:read (the default
solib provider), xml target descriptions, "info os", etc., exactly so
that GDB doesn't have to learn about the myriad of random RTOS's out there.

If these stuffs (add-symbol-file, xml library list, etc) works well for
the given RTOS, and GDB doesn't need to know about the RTOS, that is
fine.  However, in this case, Nucleus needs some changes in GDB c code
while GDB doesn't support Nucleus.  I can't see how this patch benefits
any targets GDB supported.  This is the reason I think this patch is
not acceptable.

Yao (éå)

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