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Re: [PATCH 1/2] Change gdb_load_shlibs to gdb_load_shlib

Simon Marchi <> writes:

> -proc gdb_load_shlibs { args } {
> -    foreach file $args {
> -	gdb_remote_download target [shlib_target_file $file]
> -    }
> +proc gdb_load_shlib { file } {
> +    set dest [gdb_remote_download target [shlib_target_file $file]]

Why don't define a new proc gdb_load_shlib but leave gdb_load_shlibs
there?  gdb_load_shlibs can invoke gdb_load_shlib in a loop, and callers
of gdb_load_shlibs are not changed.

Yao (éå)

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