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Re: Breakage on builder Fedora-x86_64-cc-with-index, revision 81b42bcab16f4462eb4c91db2cf09cd76e17402e

On Wednesday, November 01 2017, Simon Marchi wrote:

> Hi Sergio,

Hey Simon,

> These failures are caused by an x86-64 buildslave being out of disk space.
> I guess it's one of the GCC compile farm machines, but I don't know which
> one.  Could you look into it, or tell which machine fedora-x86-64-1 maps to?

Sorry about that.  This machine actually lives at the Toronto office and
is managed directly by me.  While I was on vacation, its hard disk died,
and I only managed to replace it yesterday.  I installed Fedora on
"automatic mode", and it chose to create a 15GB root partition instead
of use the 1TB disk...  Sigh.  Anyway, I've resized the partition and
things should work OK now.


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