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Re: [PATCH 1/4] GDBSERVER: Listen on a unix domain (instead of TCP) socket if requested.

Hi John,

> However I've checked in a fix for this issue, and tested it by building
> natively with a hacked set of standard include headers.

you always need to post patches here, if only for reference.

Besides, we're currently very inconsistent here (haven't checked which
part of that is due to your code): most places use AF_UNIX, only two use
AF_LOCAL instead (common/netstuff.c, gdbserver/remote-utils.c), and your
configure check only checks for AF_LOCAL.  I believe we should
canonicalize for one of the two and allow for systems that define only
one or the other.


Rainer Orth, Center for Biotechnology, Bielefeld University

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