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[PATCH] Use std::vector for displaced_step_inferior_states


  39a36629f68e ("Use std::forward_list for displaced_step_inferior_states")

changed a hand-made linked list to use std::forward_list of pointers.
As suggested by David Blaikie, we might as well use values instead of
pointers.  And instead of a list, we might as well use a vector.  The
size of this list will always be at most the number of inferiors,
typically very small.  And in any case the operation we do in the
hottest path (doing a displaced step) is iterate, and iterating on a
vector is always faster than a linked list.

A consequence of using a vector is that objects can be moved, when the
vector is resized.  I don't think this is a problem, because we don't
save the address of the objects.  In displaced_step_prepare_throw, we
save a pointer to the step_saved_copy field in a cleanup, but it is ran
or discarded immediately after.


	* infrun.c (struct displaced_step_inferior_state): Add
	constructor, initialize fields.
	<failed_before>: Change type to bool.
	(displaced_step_inferior_states): Change type to vector.
	(get_displaced_stepping_state): Adjust.
	(displaced_step_in_progress_any_inferior): Adjust.
	(add_displaced_stepping_state): Adjust.
	(remove_displaced_stepping_state): Adjust.
	(displaced_step_prepare): Change 1 to true.
 gdb/infrun.c | 57 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gdb/infrun.c b/gdb/infrun.c
index 3e9acb45aa9..6cdcd1a1f93 100644
--- a/gdb/infrun.c
+++ b/gdb/infrun.c
@@ -1484,36 +1484,40 @@ displaced_step_closure::~displaced_step_closure () = default;
 /* Per-inferior displaced stepping state.  */
 struct displaced_step_inferior_state
+  displaced_step_inferior_state (inferior *inf)
+    : inf (inf)
+  {}
   /* The process this displaced step state refers to.  */
   inferior *inf;
   /* True if preparing a displaced step ever failed.  If so, we won't
      try displaced stepping for this inferior again.  */
-  int failed_before;
+  bool failed_before = false;
   /* If this is not nullptr, this is the thread carrying out a
      displaced single-step in process PID.  This thread's state will
      require fixing up once it has completed its step.  */
-  thread_info *step_thread;
+  thread_info *step_thread = nullptr;
   /* The architecture the thread had when we stepped it.  */
-  struct gdbarch *step_gdbarch;
+  gdbarch *step_gdbarch = nullptr;
   /* The closure provided gdbarch_displaced_step_copy_insn, to be used
      for post-step cleanup.  */
-  struct displaced_step_closure *step_closure;
+  displaced_step_closure *step_closure = nullptr;
   /* The address of the original instruction, and the copy we
      made.  */
-  CORE_ADDR step_original, step_copy;
+  CORE_ADDR step_original = 0, step_copy = 0;
   /* Saved contents of copy area.  */
-  gdb_byte *step_saved_copy;
+  gdb_byte *step_saved_copy = nullptr;
 /* The list of states of processes involved in displaced stepping
    presently.  */
-static std::forward_list<displaced_step_inferior_state *>
+static std::vector<displaced_step_inferior_state>
 /* Get the displaced stepping state of process PID.  */
@@ -1521,10 +1525,10 @@ static std::forward_list<displaced_step_inferior_state *>
 static displaced_step_inferior_state *
 get_displaced_stepping_state (inferior *inf)
-  for (auto *state : displaced_step_inferior_states)
+  for (auto &state : displaced_step_inferior_states)
-      if (state->inf == inf)
-	return state;
+      if (state.inf == inf)
+	return &state;
   return nullptr;
@@ -1536,9 +1540,9 @@ get_displaced_stepping_state (inferior *inf)
 static bool
 displaced_step_in_progress_any_inferior ()
-  for (auto *state : displaced_step_inferior_states)
+  for (const auto &state : displaced_step_inferior_states)
-      if (state->step_thread != nullptr)
+      if (state.step_thread != nullptr)
 	return true;
@@ -1587,12 +1591,9 @@ add_displaced_stepping_state (inferior *inf)
   if (state != nullptr)
     return state;
-  state = XCNEW (struct displaced_step_inferior_state);
-  state->inf = inf;
+  displaced_step_inferior_states.emplace_back (inf);
-  displaced_step_inferior_states.push_front (state);
-  return state;
+  return &displaced_step_inferior_states.back ();
 /* If inferior is in displaced stepping, and ADDR equals to starting address
@@ -1621,17 +1622,15 @@ remove_displaced_stepping_state (inferior *inf)
   gdb_assert (inf != nullptr);
-  displaced_step_inferior_states.remove_if
-    ([inf] (displaced_step_inferior_state *state)
-      {
-	if (state->inf == inf)
-	  {
-	    xfree (state);
-	    return true;
-	  }
-	else
-	  return false;
-      });
+  auto it = std::find_if (displaced_step_inferior_states.begin (),
+			  displaced_step_inferior_states.end (),
+			  [inf] (const displaced_step_inferior_state &s)
+			    {
+			      return s.inf == inf;
+			    });
+  if (it != displaced_step_inferior_states.end ())
+    displaced_step_inferior_states.erase (it);
 static void
@@ -1910,7 +1909,7 @@ displaced_step_prepare (thread_info *thread)
       /* Disable further displaced stepping attempts.  */
 	= get_displaced_stepping_state (thread->inf);
-      displaced_state->failed_before = 1;
+      displaced_state->failed_before = true;

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