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Re: [PATCH v2] Implement timestamp'ed output on "make check"

On Sunday, November 25 2018, Simon Marchi wrote:

> On 2018-11-25 18:23, Sergio Durigan Junior wrote:
>> Ah, OK.  I'm not used to tools that don't ask me whether I'd like to
>> modify a file.
> The -i switch tells it to modify the file in-place, otherwise it
> outputs on stdout.

I thought -i was for "information".  My bad for not reading the

>> And FWIW, I don't really like this part of PEP8 which
>> states that there should be no spaces before parentheses.
> If you hate it that much, feel free to propose a change to our
> standards :)

Sorry if it appeared that I was complaining about your email!  Not my
intention at all, and I do appreciate your reviews.

As for proposing a change to the standards...  that's a good idea!  I've
played a little bit with "autopep8" here, and it seems to be a nice
little tool which offers the possibility of ignoring parts of the PEP8
spec when fixing the file.  For example, for the specific case of
"whitespace before '('", if you do:

  autopep8 --ignore E211 -i FILE

It will not fix the "issue", and will preserve the whitespaces there.

Anyway, I just wanted to document that I found a way to disable this
specific extension.  As much as I'd like us to change this specific
thing, I'll focus on other priorities right now.


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