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Re: [PATCH 1/2] sim/opcodes: Allow use of out of tree cgen source directory

On 11/27/18 11:47 AM, Simon Marchi wrote:
> On 2018-11-27 06:21, Andrew Burgess wrote:
>> Not as far as I can tell.  I left it in just in case, but as far as I
>> can tell there's no way to "install" CGEN.  I'd be happy to drop the
>> ../lib/cgen references (the else block) completely, and then validate
>> that we have a CGEN source tree or error.... But the above seemed like
>> the least invasive change.
>  From what I understand from you description, there's no way it could 
> have been useful... but again, it's not hard to leave it there just to 
> be safe.  It's not my decision anyway :).
> By the way, maybe this should still be sent to binutils for the opcodes 
> part?

My vote would actually be to remove it if it isn't really useful.  If
someone really needs it in the future they can always dig it out of the

John Baldwin


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