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[Bug gdb/22024] Internal error

--- Comment #1 from rcopley at gmail dot com ---
Apparently, this GDB internal error happens if GDB is run in a Windows 7 or
Windows 10 command prompt, and does not happen if GDB is run in an MSYS command

Here is a more easily reproducible recipe, assuming you have installed MSYS2
and Git For Windows.
See the discussion at the Emacs bug report I mentioned before for the

;; Clone the Emacs repository and check out a tree that
;; features the desired Emacs crash

git clone git://
git checkout -b gdb-bug-22024 b65cb981cc

;; Build Emacs in an MSYS2 mingw64 shell:

./configure --config-cache "CFLAGS=-O0 -g3 -ggdb"
make -j4 ;; Increase the "4"; but just "-j" will be painful.

;; Debug Emacs in a Windows command prompt:

gdb --quiet -ex run --args src/emacs.exe -Q -eval \
"(start-process \"git gui\" \"*git gui*\" \
\"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Git\\\\cmd\\\\Git-GUI.exe\")"

;; In Emacs, type "C-g" several times until Emacs shows
;; its abort dialog. Click "Yes" to make Emacs SIGINT
;; itself.

;; In GDB:

thread apply all bt

;; GDB crashes.

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