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Re: 4.17.85 configure w/ relative path fails to build bfd/dwarf1.c

>>>>> "Todd" == Todd Whitesel <> writes:

Todd> Is there any way for configure to detect & complain about this,
Todd> or am I now in RTFM land?

Builddir!=srcdir builds are only supported with GNU make.  This is a
longstanding limitation of basically any GNU-style utility.  That's
because most vendor makes incorrectly implement VPATH (whether yours
is one such I don't know offhand, but based on your reports I would
say yes).

You cannot detect this at configure time because you don't know which
`make' the user is going to run.  E.g. you might do `configure; gmake'
-- in which case any configure complaint would be incorrect.

It might be possible to detect this at `make' time, but I haven't
given it any thought.  If you know of a way to do it, I'd like to know
-- I'll add it to automake.
