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GDB Roadmap

Several large changes to GDB have been proposed lately, and more are in
the pipe; I thought I'd give everybody a quick summary of what's going
on.  Feel free to comment on anything here!

MULTI-ARCH:  Over the past several months, Andrew Cagney has been
quietly turning the funky target description macros into something
more like modern executable code.  The ultimate goal of this to be
able to handle architectures with objects, just as we do now for
target vectors or BFDs.  The primary beneficiary will be GDBers doing
maintenance, but new systems on the horizon will use this feature as

EVENT LOOP:  Elena Zannoni is in the process of getting approval to
check in a large body of code that shift GDB over to an event-driven
model, where both user interaction and target events are handled
uniformly.  Again, this is primarily infrastructure, but she's also
working on something very user-visible...

ASYNC DEBUG:  One of the benefits of being event-driven is
that it will become possible to interact with GDB while the inferior
is running!  This won't always be sensible - what if the program is
modifying the data you're trying to format? - but it will be very
useful for monitoring programs that don't like being interrupted and
resumed continously, such as servers.

WFI REORG:  Unfortunately, the infamous wait_for_inferior interferes
with this plan by being an infinite loop with a tangled body.
Building on work started by Edie Epstein, I'm transforming WFI into a
simpler and clearer body of code that only runs the equivalent of one
pass through the old loop before returning control to its caller.  I'm
making the change incrementally, preserving the old code carefully and
watching for regressions.

REFORMAT:  Over the years GDB sources have accumulated detritus from
many different coding styles, despite the official GNU standard's
encouragement of uniformity, and now there is much confusion about the
correct style for GDB.  So I propose a flag day, in which we run GNU
indent over all the code at once.  The CVS diffs will be massive, old
patches will fail (although one could run indent on the patches), but
then we can use indent all the time and never have to deal with this

ANSI/ISO C:  So far I've not seen any reports of people being hosed by
the pure standard C code in 4.18.  By the end of June we'll know for
sure; then we can whack all the K&R compat bits and go to new-style
code everywhere.
