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Re: gdb m68k remote debugging - unwanted program stop after 24 lines console output wrote:
> hi,
> i have a little question which i hope you can answer.
> host: linux, m68k-gdb-aout 4.18
> target: motorola 68332, m68k-stub.c
> remote debugging via rs232
> i have wrapped the output of the target into a 'O' message.
> this works fine. but the host gdb stops the program after
> 24 lines of output with the message:
>  ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
> can i avoid this? it's ok that the output would get lost.
> but the program should not be stopped.
> thx for any answer
> franz hollerer

FYI,  this bug is fixed in the current sources.  I'd suggest downloading
a current snap and trying that.


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