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RE: Ctrl-C interrupt problem.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Faylor []
> Subject: Re: Ctrl-C interrupt problem.
> If there is a problem, it needs to be debugged.

I think the first thing to do is to reproduce the problem on another cygwin
I'm really surprised to be the first having this problem. Maybe it has
alreadby corrected in a recent gdb snapshot (i'm using gdb 5.0).

> If you debug 
> gdb using
> gdb you (Fabrice) should be able to figure out where the SIGSEGV is
> coming from.  That doesn't necessarily mean that it will be 
> immediately
> obvious how to fix it, of course, but at least you'll have more of a
> clue as to where gdb is dying.

I won't be able to debug anything unless i know how to make so that the
Ctrl-C is interpreted by the debugged gdb and not the debugger. When i hit
ctrl-C the top debugger get the sigint. I've tried to use "signal SIGINT" to
have send the signal back to the debuggee but then the top debugger crash,
with exactly the same sequence, as if the signal I wanted to send back to
the debuggee is caught again byt the top gdb, and so we are in the same
crash situation for the top gdb.

> However, if you are going to be debugging gdb using, gdb, it 
> makes sense
> to rebuild a new windows version from CVS.  The gdb released 
> with cygwin
> net release is somewhat out-of-date, right now.

Well, I'll see that, but actually i'm more interrested in correcting the
somewhat similar bug that appears when I do remote debugging... 

Fabrice Gautier 

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