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Re: CVS versions of gdb have same number as stable version.

On Feb 16,  8:46am, Michael Elizabeth Chastain wrote:

> I was sorta checking that no one would object to "5.1-experimental"
> when I do submit it.

I won't object, and I am in strong agreement that the version numbers
ought to be different between the release version and our development

However, I also think it'd be useful if the version strings between
different development versions are also different.  The easiest way
that I know to do this is to somehow incorporate a date string into
the version string.  Ideally, this date string should reflect the time
of the checkout (or update) and not of the build.

The best mechanism for doing this may take a while to figure out, so
it'd be best if you'd submit a simple patch for "5.1-experimental"


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