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Re: GDB for PE/Cywin target won't build on linux

No, I'm not targeting cygwin, but an embedded OS that uses the PE executable format.  There are a bunch of us
Linux geeks here that would prefer to ditch NT/Cygwin for Linux.

Currently I cross compile GCC/GDB for x86-cygwin -> powerpc-motorola-elf,
x86-linux -> powerpc-motorola-elf,  x86-linux -> x86-pc-pe (gcc only).

DJ Delorie wrote:

> If you're targetting Cygwin, the correct target is i686-pc-cygwin.
> There are other systems that are not Cygwin but are PE (Interix,
> MinGW, WinCE), but may not be supported by as many modules (such as
> gdb) as Cygwin itself is.  The reason is that, perhaps, Cygwin
> provides additional APIs that are needed for the gdb (or whatever)
> port.

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