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Shared memory target


I have a 64-bit MIPS processor card that I designed that
interfaces on a standard PC PCI bus.

I can talk to the card through linux drivers that
I have written can can memory map the card
to user space over witht he filesystem mmap method.
This allows me to read/write the flash, uart,
sdram, system controller and run/reset the CPU
in real-time across the bus from the host.

This would allow for programs like gdb to have a
huge advantage over standard remote protocols
as it can get free, real-time access to
any memory location and have full control of
the CPU.

Has anyone ever tried to get gdb to debug a "remote"
target that is "not so remote"? (shared memory target?)



Carl van Schaik, <>    | Tel +27 21 650-3467
Electrical Engineering                  | Fax +27 21 650-4305
OpenFuel Pty Ltd.

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