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Re: Thread Support for remote debugging

On Thu, 31 Jan 2002, Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 31, 2002 at 06:22:07PM -0500, Quality Quorum wrote:
> > If you are talking about me, I had it done more than one year ago:
> >, see section about gdb.
> >
> > The problem is that (1) redhat never said 'yes we want it' so it is
> > sitll based on 4.18, (2) there are a few issues which could be
> > resolved one way or anotehr an readhat never said 'we want it this way'.
> Red Hat has nothing officially to do with this, besides the number of
> GDB maintainers they employ.
> As for the stub - if you want to contribute it, that's nice.  But it
> doesn't really address the question, since current GDBserver doesn't
> even have any RTEMS support as far as I know.

First, protocol has to be fixed, then gdb side implementation has to
be fixed, and only then stub porting from RTEMS to the gdbserver
environment will start to make some sense.

> --
> Daniel Jacobowitz                           Carnegie Mellon University
> MontaVista Software                         Debian GNU/Linux Developer



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