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Re: Results of a multi-build (not good)

> > I've been asked if I could release the multi-build script.  It's attached 
> > below.
> > 
> > Note that it only builds the debuggers, it doesn't run any tests on them.  
> > To do that I would need to build and install about 36 sets of complete 
> > tool chains, which I just don't have space for.  Further, most of them 
> > wouldn't be much use without either a simulator or a real piece of 
> > hardware to test them on.
> > 
> > You will need to tweak the variables at the top of the script to your 
> > local configuration.
> Nice.  Having a script to run is going to be easier than pointing at 
> that awk.
> One tweak is to try starting each GDB after it is built - this catches 
> many multi-arch problems.  Having the script restartable (and leave 
> around broken builds) can also be useful.

These are all useful possibilities.   Unfortunately, I don't have enough 
disk quota to leave that many builds lying around.  So I have to clean up 
after each one.

Anyway, you're free to do with the script whatever you want (within the 
constraints of the GPL :-)


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