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Re: arm-tdep.h:#define FP_REGISTER_VIRTUAL_SIZE 8?

> Hmm,
> Another think-o?  The arm (according to FP_REGISTER_RAW_SIZE) has 12 
> byte registers.  Their type is builtin_type_arm_ext and that ``virtual 
> type'' has a size of 12 bytes.
> I suspect this is another hang-over from when Arm was converting RAW FP 
> registers (badly) into host FP values.  Hmm, if that macro goes, it 
> looks like all the ..._size() functions can be reduced to: 
> TYPE_LENGTH(type).
> (Back to looking at Arm's ON_STACK).

Not sure.  It's more of the complete mess that is the FPA.  The world 
would be all so much easier if I could just rip out FPA support 
entirely.... ;-)


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