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Re: gdb bugs showing while working on libcwd

On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 01:37:46PM -0400, Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
> I was just hoping someone more familiar than I with the mangling scheme
> could look at the existing one and figure out where the shortcoming
> is...

The problem is probably a design issue and it will be
a lot easier to just completely replace the demangler
with mine.  Fixing the existing demangler is not a matter
of changing a few lines.

I've been asked before to donate my demangler to gdb,
someone translated it to C and then lost the code again
(I wrote it in C++).  I've also been asked to donate
the demangler to libiberty (by the libstdc++/g++ people)
but there where some legal issues... its stupid, the FSF
makes it some times impossible to donate code it seems
(at least in my case).  If one has to sign something
before they want to use code then what is the GPL
license good for?  What about all those people
who use the GPL but never bother to gather signatures
from all over the world?  The "problem" is that
Carlo Wood is not my real name, and although I am
willing to sign anything and donate anything under the
GPL, I do NOT want my real name somewhere on the web
or in a searchable database.  Now EVERYTIME (and this
has come up at least three times very very seriously
in the past 8 years) I make a lot of effort to get
things arranged, people fail on me and nothing happens.
This time I am AGAIN waiting already several months
for the response of someone (I just want an 'ok, we
won't publish your real name)... Blah.  No code then.

But in the meantime *I*'d like a working demangler
in libiberty as well actually, grrrmmbl.


Carlo Wood <>

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